पर्यावरण कार्यकर्ता राशिद नूर खान मानते हैं कि भोपाल का नगर वन एक ओर तो बाघ गलियारों को प्रभावित करता है दूसरी ओर कलियासाेत नदी की सहायक केरवा नदी के प्रवाह को प्रभावित कर रहा है।
सांभर की जीभ इतनी खास होती है कि वो पेड़ की छाल को चाट कर उससे पानी ले लेता है। उसी सांभर का डिहाइड्रेशन और सनस्ट्रोक से मरना चिंताजनक है और हम सब के लिए एक चेतावनी है, जो क्लाइमेट चेंज के बड़े खतरे के रूप में नजर आ रही है।
Last year there was a global loss of 3.8 million hectares of forest, according to a University of Maryland report published by Global Forest Watch of the World Resources Institute.
The Rajasthan state government issued a notification on February 1, 2024, proposing the classification of Oran, a region traditionally held sacred by local communities, as a deemed forest.
The growing demand for wood-based products is one of the primary reasons why India imports timber. With the increasing population and urbanization, the demand for timber has been on a constant rise for the past few decades.
Where in the world the new coronavirus can be born, scientists have found out. Large-scale land-use changes are occurring around the world, including changes in forests, agricultural expansion, and cattle production.
In Lok Sabha, The Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change said that the Forest Survey of India has reported alarming numbers of forest fires detected over the past five years using the SNPP-VIIRS sensor
A major issue of overlapping land records came to light in Madhya Pradesh on Monday in the controversial Ken-Betwa Link Project (KBLP). Widely touted as a “flagship” project of the central government