26 Sep 2024
Dhasan riverside villages face kharif crop losses after heavy rainfall
On Ground | Madhya Pradesh | Jashraj shared how the farmers of his village were unable to go up to their fields with water filled over across the route.
Pashu Sakhis work to improve the poor veterinary system in MP
Pashu Sakhis go from village to village and regularly check the health of animals, tags them and collect data. As a result, in the last 3 years, not a single animal has died due to communicable diseases in Simaria village of Mandla.
MP farmers battle stray animals, sleepless nights to protect crops
The number of stray cattle significantly increased in Madhya Pradesh between 2012 and 2019. Mostly, these stray cattle lead to traffic, a risk of accidents on the highways and attacks on agricultural farms.
Indore’s Pipliyahana Lake struggles to survive, even after conservation measures
Almost every other major city, a representation of urbanization and brutalist infrastructure, struggles to conserve its natural resources, particularly water bodies.
Costliest water from Narmada is putting financial burden on Indore
The cost of water supply per kilolitre is one of the highest in the country at 21 rupees. There is a huge shortfall in cost recovery of 74.7 percent.
Why is central India more vulnerable to lightning strikes compared to the Northeast or South?
Lightning-related deaths in India have significantly increased since 2001, with Central North East India most affected. Experts emphasize role of climate change, socio-economic factors, call for policy changes and public awareness to reduce fatalities.
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