हिंदी | मध्यप्रदेश में सरकारी गेंहूं की खरीद उसके लक्ष्य से काफी कम रही है। जहां मध्यप्रदेश का लक्ष्य 80 लाख टन गेंहूं की खरीद का था वो 18 मई तक 47.2 लाख टन तक ही पहंच पाई है।
Rising global temperatures are leading to shifts in seasons and an increase in extreme weather events, such as droughts and heat waves, which pose a significant threat to harvests and food supplies.
It has become clear over the past decades that climate change and resulting extreme weather severely impact the productivity of crops. It is alarming that agricultural vulnerability varies greatly between industrialized and developing countries.