On Ground | Madhya Pradesh | Jashraj shared how the farmers of his village were unable to go up to their fields with water filled over across the route.
India’s monsoon is extending into late October, impacting kharif crops with 7% above-normal rainfall. Soybean and pulses, especially in Madhya Pradesh, are damaged. La Niña and climate change are key factors.
The accompanying map, created by the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), illustrates the anticipated influence of El Niño on key crops such as wheat, corn, rice, soybeans, and sorghum.
The latest update on monsoon activity indicates that the monsoon is in a deficit zone at 9% below LPA for the period till 15th September 2023. Kharif sowing is slightly higher than last year’s levels
The Kharif season's sowing in India is almost complete. As of September 8, 2023, about 1088.50 lakh hectares have been sown, which is slightly more than last year but still less than 2021.
The first week of July of the Kharif season has passed, but rice planting in India has not picked up momentum. In fact, aside from coarse grains, there has been a decline in the planting of all crops.
The delayed arrival of the monsoon has had a severe impact on the Kharif crops in India. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare statistics, as of June 23, 2023