भारी बारिश के बाद अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में बाढ़ के हालात बन गए हैं. बाढ़ के चलते इस देश के उत्तरी और पश्चमी प्रान्तों को नुकसान पहुंचा है. इसके चलते अब तक 315 लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है. वहीँ 1600 लोग घायल बताए जा रहे हैं.
The changing climate is causing disruptions in the timing of spring, affecting ecosystems globally. Early springs pose challenges for plants and animals, leading to ecological imbalances and impacting pollination, hibernation, and species behavior.
Shein, the fast-fashion giant, has officially become the largest textile manufacturing and distribution company in the world, as it has achieved a valuation of 92,000 million euros,
Climate change may make desert locust outbreaks more frequent and severe, according to a new study. Desert locusts are migratory insects that can form huge swarms and devour crops, leading to famine and food insecurity in some regions of Africa
TV and film are powerful mediums that can inform, entertain, and inspire millions of people around the world. They can also shape the public perception and awareness of the most pressing issues of our time, such as the climate crisis.
In a recent study, researchers have found alarming shifts in the balance between day and night temperatures due to climate change. While it's common knowledge that days are warmer and nights cooler, this equilibrium crucial for life is being disrupted.
The wave of extreme cold affects millions of Americans and Canada has made it necessary to activate protocols to deal with it, on Friday in some parts of the country the temperature was recorded at -40.
Islam is a religion that emphasizes the importance of environmental stewardship and the protection of the natural world. Islam teaches that the earth is a sacred trust from Allah (God) and it is the responsibility of humankind
Wildfires pose a significant threat to both the environment and communities, causing widespread destruction and pollution. Effective forecasting and management of these natural disasters are crucial for minimizing their impact