University of Sheffield scientists warn that the global wildlife trade has the potential to alter vital ecological processes in some of the world’s most biodiverse regions.
A study published in the journal Conservation Science and Practice shows that conserving the largest trees is a benefit in the face of climate change and, therefore, the environmental emergencies facing the world.
Wildlife conservation has often been seen as a success story in India, with the country being home to a significant percentage of the world's tiger population.
Recent studies suggest that ambitious global targets aimed at halting nature's decline may not be achievable, as the impacts of climate change and habitat loss on animal populations have been underestimated.
Many international researchers together have made great efforts since 2018 to locate the residence of the stuffed turtles inside and around Soalala de Madagascar.
There are countless critically endangered animal species around the globe, and India is home to many of them. Even though some of these species are extinct, others are threatened or even critically endangered