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35 dialogues of Ibn Arabi in Ertugrul resemble a torch in dark

ERTUGRUL: Ibn Arabi was an Arab Andalusian Muslim scholar, mystic, poet, and philosopher, whose works have grown to be very influential

By groundreportdesk
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Ertugrul Series ibn Arabi Famous Quotes

“This world is a place of preparation where one is given many lessons and passes many tests. What is bad is what you do with the world when you become blind to truth and totally consumed by your desires, lust, and ambition for it.”

-Ibn Arabi

Ground Report | News Desk

Nowadays there is a new debate among the viewers on the web series ertugrul. Although the series is not new but it is good in discussion at this time. Many people of this series, which came in 2014, are also competing with Game of Thrones.

The series is also now available for viewing on netflix. And one character in this series is Ibne Arabi. Its fakery style and dialogue have become famous.

Ibn Arabi was an Arab Andalusian Muslim scholar, mystic, poet, and philosopher, whose works have grown to be very influential beyond the Muslim world. Of the over 800 works which are attributed to him, 100 survive in the original manuscript. His cosmological teachings became the dominant worldview in many parts of the Islamic world.

So here are the 35 most important dialogues of Ibn Arabi -

  1. I am my lover and lover myself. I am a king and a subject myself.
  2. There was a time, when I blamed my companion if his religion did not resemble mine. Now, however, my heart accepts every form, Love alone is my religion." Ibn Arabi
  3. God will bring you assistants and the people you will help sooner or later.” Ibn Arabi

4. Such knowledge can only be had by actual experience, nor can the reason of man define it, or arrive at any cognizance of it by deduction, just as one cannot, without experience, know the taste of honey, the bitterness of patience, the bliss of union, love, passion, or desire. Ibn Arabi

  1. “The desires of this world are like sea water. The more you drink of them, the more you thirst.” Ibn Arabi
  2. “Purify my soul from doubt.” Ibn Arabi
  3. “My heart has become capable of every form.” Ibn Arabi
  4. “The manifold exists and yet it does not exist.” Ibn Arabi
  5. “Such knowledge can only be had by actual experience, nor can the reason of man define it, or arrive at any cognizance of it by deduction, just as one cannot, without experience, know the taste of honey, the bitterness of patience, the bliss of union, love, passion, or desire.” Ibn Arabi
  6. “All that passes away from the aspect of the manifest comes under the aspect of the hidden. The essence is one. Nothing has passed away.” Ibn Arabi
  7. “Choose less over more in it. Be satisfied with what you have, even if it is less than what others have. In fact, prefer to have less.” Ibn Arabi
  8. “When the secret of one particle of the atoms is clear, the secret of all created things, both outward and inward, is clear; and you do not see in this world or the next, anything except God.” Ibn Arabi
  9. “Seek the company of the wise, who know. Agree with what they say, for one understands only that with which one agrees. Be sincere in what you say- a single tongue should not speak two different words. No deceit or fraud should enter into your thoughts. Do not belittle anyone or anything, for everyone and everything in its inner being wishes for the same thing.” Ibn Arabi
  10. “Wheresoever you turn, there is the face of Allah (God).” Ibn Arabi
  11. “Attach yourself to Me. No one is more inward than I.” Ibn Arabi
  12. “This world is a place of preparation where one is given many lessons and passes many tests. What is bad is what you do with the world when you become blind to truth and totally consumed by your desires, lust, and ambition for it.” Ibn Arabi
  13. “Be established in truth.” Ibn Arabi
  14. “Do everything you do in order to come close to your Lord in your worship and prayers. Think that each deed may be your last act, each prayer your last prostration, that you may not have another chance. If you do this, it will be another motivation for becoming heedful and also for becoming sincere and truthful.” Ibn Arabi
  15. “What you plant here, you will reap there.” Ibn Arabi
  16. “If pain wasn’t the biggest blessing, why would God give it?” Ibn Arabi
  17. “On Him alone we depend for everything.” Ibn Arabi
  18. “Whoever builds his faith exclusively on demonstrative proofs and deductive arguments, builds a faith on which it is impossible to rely. For he is affected by the negativities of constant objections. Certainty (al-yaqin) does not derive from the evidences of the mind but pours out from the depths of the heart.” Ibn Arabi
  19. “As for the theorists and thinkers, and the scholastic theologians, with their talk about the soul and its properties, none of them have grasped the reality; such speculation can never grasp it. He who seeks to know the reality through theoretical speculation is flogging a dead horse; for he who seeks to know It by any means other than the one proper to It, will never grasp It.” Ibn Arabi
  20. “If you hold to the unity, you are with the truth” Ibn Arabi
  21. “Every bird flies with their own kind, eagles with eagles, crows with crows.” Ibn Arabi
  22. “The ignorant one does not see his ignorance as he basks in its darkness; nor does the knowledgeable one see his own knowledge, for he basks in its light.” Ibn Arabi
  23. “Therefore, know your self, who you are, what is your identity.” Ibn Arabi
  24. “If men knew themselves, they would know God; and if they really knew God, they would be satisfied with Him and would think of Him alone.” Ibn Arabi
  25. “Your personal nature seeks its paradise.” Ibn Arabi
  26. “How can the heart travel to God, when it is changed by its desires?” Ibn Arabi
  27. “These stories I have recounted to you will remind you of what is within you.” Ibn Arabi
  28. “If I am close to Him, he brings me even closer.” Ibn Arabi
  29. “When you know yourself, your ‘I’ness vanishes.” Ibn Arabi
  30. “O God, I ask of You light and guidance.” Ibn Arabi
  31. “I follow the Way of love.” Ibn Arabi

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