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33 dyeing factories shut to combat pollution in the Kaveri river

In response to a question Minister for Environment said that the pollution in the Kaveri River and the actions taken against dyeing factories

By Ground report
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33 dyeing factories shut to combat pollution in the Kaveri river

In response to a question posed by A.K.P. Chinraj, Member of Parliament, the Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Bhupender Yadav answering the question said that the pollution in the Kaveri River and the actions taken against dyeing factories and textile units in Tamil Nadu.


Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Bhupender Yadav said the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) closely monitors the water quality of aquatic resources, including the Kaveri River, as part of the National Water Quality Monitoring Program (NWMP).

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The CPCB monitors a total of 62 locations along the Kaveri River on a monthly basis, with 33 locations in Karnataka and 28 in Tamil Nadu. An additional location at the interstate point of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, situated at Ajibore, is monitored on a quarterly basis.

In the period from June 2022 to August 2022, the Joint Committee conducted thorough inspections of 44 dyeing units located in Namakkal, Karur, Erode, and Tiruppur districts of Tamil Nadu. As a consequence of the inspection findings, the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) took decisive action against 33 non-compliant units, resulting in closures and issuance of show cause notices.

Moreover, the TNPCB has been actively monitoring and addressing the issue of non-compliance by dyeing factories and textile units since 2010. Over this period, several dyeing factories and textile units have been subjected to closure and fines as part of the efforts to combat pollution in the region.

33 Units Non-complying Action Taken

Sl.No. Name of Units Action Taken
1 M/s. Kandhan Palani Textiles Dyeing Factory Closure & Power Disconnection
2 M/s. Akhil Fab Closure & Power Disconnection
3 M/s. Subbulakshmi Textiles Vacated Premises
4 M/s. Rithanya Colours Closure
5 M/s. Sri Kuppannasamy Labour Dyeing Works Show Cause Notice
6 M/s. Abirami Dyeing Show Cause Notice
7 M/s. Indian Dyeing Show Cause Notice
8 M/s. Hemalatha Dyeing Factory Show Cause Notice
9 M/s. Sri Jeyalakshmi Dyeing Show Cause Notice
10 M/s. Crystal Knitters Pvt Ltd Show Cause Notice
11 M/s. Cheran Textiles Show Cause Notice
12 M/s. Sri Velmurugan Textiles Show Cause Notice
13 M/s. ASMS Printers Show Cause Notice
14 M/s. Jai Textile Unit Pvt Ltd Show Cause Notice
15 M/s. Visalatchi International Show Cause Notice
16 M/s. A.V.R. Dyeing Show Cause Notice
17 M/s. Rohini Textile Industry Pvt Ltd Directions/Instructions Issued
18 M/s. Thai International Directions/Instructions Issued
19 M/s. Armstrong Textiles Processing Pvt Ltd Directions/Instructions Issued
20 M/s. Balachandran Dyeing Directions/Instructions Issued
21 M/s. Sri Jai Maruthi Textiles Processors Directions/Instructions Issued
22 M/s. Sri Om Sakthi Dyeing Directions/Instructions Issued
23 M/s. Shree Mahalakshmi Dyeing Directions/Instructions Issued
24 M/s. Kaarthik Mills Directions/Instructions Issued
25 M/s. Muthu Knit Processing Directions/Instructions Issued
26 M/s. Armstrong Process Directions/Instructions Issued
27 M/s. Venkatash Dyeing Directions/Instructions Issued
28 M/s. Wintex Processing Mills Directions/Instructions Issued
29 M/s. Atlas Processing Mills Directions/Instructions Issued
30 M/s. Sri Arul Colours Directions/Instructions Issued
31 M/s. Aravind Dyeing Works Directions/Instructions Issued
32 M/s. Subramani Bleaching Directions/Instructions Issued
33 M/s. Arun Dyeing Works Directions/Instructions Issued

Dyeing unit inspections, TNPCB action

Monitoring revealed two polluted river reaches along the Kaveri River in the year 2022. One polluted reach was identified in Karnataka and the other in Tamil Nadu, based on analysis of water quality data, with biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) serving as the criterion.

To address pollution caused by dyeing units operating in Namakkal, Erode, Tiruppur and Karur districts in Tamil Nadu, a Joint Committee was formed in 2022. The committee was made up of officials from the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Change Climate, Integrated Regional Office, Chennai, CPCB and Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB).

The Joint Committee conducted inspections at 44 dyeing units in the aforementioned districts from June 2022 to August 2022. As a result of the inspections, TNPCB took strict action against 33 non-compliant units, including closing and issuing notices of justification.

Annex I of the declaration provides detailed information on the 33 non-compliant dyeing units that faced the action of the TNPCB. Additionally, Annex II lists the dry cleaners and textile units that have been closed and sanctioned by the TNPCB from 2010 to date.

Major industrialized cities and towns situated along the Kaveri River include Bangalore in Karnataka and Mettur, Pallipalyam and Komarapalayam in Tamil Nadu. These industrial areas are home to various chemical, dyeing, leather/tannery, pulp and paper, sugar mills, printing, and bleaching industries, all contributing to the pollution challenges facing the river.

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