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Why government connecting birth and death data with Aadhaar?

Link death data with Aadhaar; The Lok Sabha passed the Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Bill, 2023, on Tuesday, ushering

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Why government connecting birth and death data with Aadhaar?

The Lok Sabha passed the Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Bill, 2023, on Tuesday, ushering in a new era of data integration and management. The bill, which comes under the administration of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has sparked debates surrounding privacy and surveillance as it mandates the creation of a national and state-level database of registered births and deaths, linked to individuals' Aadhaar numbers.

Efficient birth and death registration

The bill's primary focus is to streamline the processes for registering births and deaths by incorporating Aadhaar, a unique identification number assigned to Indian citizens. By amending the original 1969 Act, the government aims to facilitate efficient registration procedures while simultaneously enhancing the utilization of Aadhaar in various domains of public service.

Under this new framework, a birth certificate becomes a versatile document. It can serve as proof of admission to educational institutions, facilitate the issuance of driving licenses, inclusion in voter lists, acquisition of Aadhaar numbers, registration of marriages, and even as a qualification for government employment.

Why govt connecting birth and death data with Aadhaar?

The government's integration of birth and death data with Aadhaar aims to enhance administrative efficiency and accuracy in registering vital events while facilitating seamless access to public services. By linking these records with Aadhaar, a unique identification number assigned to Indian citizens, the government seeks to create a comprehensive and streamlined database that can be utilized for various purposes such as public service delivery, entitlement verification, and policy implementation. This initiative aims to ensure more effective governance and improved service accessibility for citizens.

However, concerns have arisen regarding the broader implications of this initiative. Hidden within this seemingly administrative update is a deeper integration strategy that could potentially create an all-encompassing database, intertwining citizens' lives in unprecedented ways. The move is fueled by the Indian government's intention to streamline processes and deliver welfare benefits more efficiently, but critics question the balance between efficiency and citizens' privacy.

A key aspect of the new development is the integration of the Aadhaar system into the registration of births and deaths. The Aadhaar system, which assigns a unique identifier to each individual, has been instrumental in the centralization of various databases. The potential combination of birth and death data with Aadhaar numbers sets the stage for comprehensive citizen tracking, allowing for automatic updates on life events such as relocations, job changes, marriages, and more.

Privacy advocates are wary of the implications of such an interconnected database. The seamless integration of various aspects of citizens' lives raises concerns about surveillance and misuse of personal data. Experts have noted that the intricate data collection could pave the way for opaque algorithms to classify individuals arbitrarily, potentially leading to unintended consequences, such as disenfranchisement and discrimination.

Aadhaar Act amendment risks privacy

Meanwhile, the Chief Registrar will maintain a similar database at the state level. The central data reservoir will update in real-time, and it will link all the individual databases onto a common platform.

Of particular significance is the proposed amendment to the Aadhaar Act. If enacted, this amendment could diminish the privacy safeguards established by the Supreme Court in 2018, undermining the protection of individuals' rights. The potential ramifications extend beyond individual privacy, impacting the integrity of India's democracy and citizens' trust in the government.

As the government advances its ambitious plan to link birth and death data with Aadhaar, the broader societal implications are garnering increased attention. The balance between efficient governance and citizens' rights remains at the forefront of public discourse. The trajectory of this initiative will shape India's digital landscape, prompting a critical examination of the delicate equilibrium between privacy and state surveillance.

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