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Who is David Grusch revealed that US in possession of Aliens and UFO?

During a highly significant congressional hearing, former US intelligence official David Grusch made startling revelations,

By Ground Report
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Who is David Grusch revealed that US in possession of Aliens and UFO?

During a highly significant congressional hearing, former US intelligence official David Grusch made startling revelations, claiming that the US government had conducted a "multi-decade" program aimed at collecting and reverse-engineering crashed unidentified flying objects (UFO).

As the former head of unexplained anomalous phenomena research within a US Department of Defense agency until 2023, Grusch testified before the House Oversight Committee in Washington, shedding light on the subject of extraterrestrial life and technology, according to the Guardian report.

Grusch's earlier claims had sparked worldwide interest and sparked discussions about the possibility of a government cover-up regarding UFOs. During the hearing, conducted in response to Grusch's 2022 whistleblower complaint, he revealed that he was denied access to a long-standing UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) crash recovery and reverse engineering program.

The former intelligence official faced severe reprisals for his claims, which affected both his professional and personal life. Under oath, Grusch confirmed knowledge of people harmed or injured in government efforts to conceal UFO-related information, leading him to fear for his own safety.

However, government cooperation with the oversight committee's investigation came under scrutiny, with Republican Congressman Tim Burchett co-leading the UFO investigation, accusing government agencies of a lack of transparency and obstructing the acquisition of relevant information and party testimony. clue. The hearing has fueled speculation that the US government may be hiding evidence of alien life and advanced technology, prompting mixed responses from the public, including skepticism.

Who is David Grusch?

David Charles Grusch, a former intelligence officer with an impressive 14-year career, made explosive revelations about a long-standing "multi-decade" program run by the US government. The goal of the program was to collect and apply engineering reverse to crashed unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

Grusch, who served as a Major in the US Air Force and later in the civilian-level National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency GS-15, played a crucial role as co-director of his agency's analysis of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena ( UAP) and transmedia objects. . In addition, he briefed the UAP Task Force (UAPTF) and the All Domains Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).

As a whistleblower, Grusch filed an Urgent Concern report with the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) after receiving troubling reports from credible military and Intelligence Community individuals. These reports suggested that the US government was operating with an unprecedented level of secrecy, exceeding congressional oversight, regarding UFOs.

Under oath, Grusch testified based on information provided to him by people with a proven track record of legitimacy and service to the country. This information included compelling evidence such as photographs, official documentation, and classified oral testimony.

During his service in the US Air Force and as a member of the UAPTF from 2019 to 2021, Grusch gained access to various UFO-related Special Access Programs and Controlled Access Programs (SAP/CAP). However, he was denied access to additional compartments related to a UAP reverse engineering and crash recovery program that spanned several decades.

Government's UFO cover-up alleged

David alleged that the government had collected and reverse-engineered crashed UFOs as part of a "multi-decade" program, but he was denied access to this classified information despite his role in investigating such matters.

Moreover, Grusch disclosed that non-human intelligent life was discovered by the US government in the 1930s. He claimed that not only were extraterrestrial craft recovered from crash sites, but the government also possessed non-human biological material.

Former Navy pilots Ryan Graves and David Fravor shared their experiences with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). Graves described encountering dark grey or black cubes inside a clear sphere, while Fravor recounted his well-known "Tic Tac" video of a large object displaying advanced capabilities, raising concerns about potential threats.

Grusch further accused the military of misusing funds to hide these UFO-related operations from congressional oversight. He claimed that individuals had been threatened and harmed to suppress evidence of UFO encounters.

Witnesses highlighted the inadequacy of current reporting systems for UAP encounters, emphasizing the stigma faced by pilots and officials seeking transparency about their experiences.

The Pentagon denied Grusch's claims of a cover-up, stating that no verifiable evidence supports the existence of programs related to UFOs or extraterrestrial materials.

As the investigation continues, a bipartisan group of senators has proposed an amendment to the defense spending bill to reveal government records on UAP through a review board, with a presumption of immediate disclosure, underscoring the urgency of transparency.

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