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What is Sharia law, how many countries follow them?

What is Sharia law; When most people hear the word 'Sharia', they think that blood-thirsty people have long beards and are asking to cut

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What is Sharia law

Ground Report | New Delhi: What is Sharia law; When most people hear the word 'Sharia', they think that blood-thirsty people have long beards and are asking to cut their hands. This is not surprising, because whenever this topic comes up in the media it is always discussed as something barbaric, alien, and a threat to all of us.

What is Sharia law

Sharia law is the legal system of Islam, which is based on the Quran and the decisions of Islamic scholars. It serves as a code of conduct for modern Muslims to follow, ensuring that they live their lives according to the will of God. Depending on how strictly the law is followed - it can affect every aspect of daily life for a Muslim.

Sharia is a religious law that is part of the Islamic belief derived from the Quran and Hadith - the words or actions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The mode of its application in modern times has been the subject of controversy between conservative and liberal Muslims and remains a controversial topic around the world.

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Some aspects have become widely accepted – such as how this applies to banking – with even Western companies offering Islamic finance products to attract Muslim customers. Hudud, which means "boundaries" in Arabic, is a punishment for sins such as adultery, rape, homosexuality, theft, and murder.

Extreme punishments are rarely carried out because many crimes must be proved by a confession or witnessed by several adult Muslim men. There are two types of crimes under Sharia law - tazir and Hadad.

List of countries use this law?

  • Afghanistan
  • Egypt
  • Indonesia
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Mauritania
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Queue
  • Saudi Arab
  • Sudan
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Yemen

Historically, the Taliban have taken the strictest approach to Sharia law, and many Afghans are fearful for their future because of the possibility that the Taliban will enforce incredibly repressive laws and dire punishments.

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Under their previous government, the Taliban made it mandatory for all men across the country to have a beard. Violators of the law were often beaten by local authorities. The Taliban's move was also mentioned in a 1997 report by the United Nations Human Rights Commission.

  • Women and burqas
  • Prohibition of music
  • Don't let men play football
  • Men's beards

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