In a recent study, researchers have found alarming shifts in the balance between day and night temperatures due to climate change. While it's common knowledge that days are warmer and nights cooler, this equilibrium crucial for life is being disrupted.
The 'heat pandemic' is not just limited to India. As global warming progresses, regions with hot climates around the world face increased vulnerability to overheating in homes due to poorly designed structures.
The future of Arctic sea ice hangs in the balance as researchers predict an accelerating timeline for its disappearance. Scientists found that the Arctic could experience dramatic ice cover loss as early as the 2030s.
In a recent study conducted by researchers from Korea and the USA, the correlation between a warmer Arctic and extreme winter weather in midlatitude regions has been established, but the impact of global warming on this link is unclear.
A new study shows that the Arctic is warming more than four times faster than the rate of global warming. Scientists have used time models of 21 years, instead of 30 like the rest of the studies, which allows more precision in the estimates