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Second Wave of Covid-19 affecting kids: A matter of concern

Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) said that untill recently, the children were not seriously implicated by covid-19 and this was

By Ground report
New Update
third wave of Covid

Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) said that untill recently, the children were not seriously implicated by covid-19 and this was biggest psychological relief for parents and doctors.

There were only a few documented cases worldwide, and most cases were asymptomatic. However, the second wave of Covid-19 has came with different agression, high rate of transmission, changed spectrum of illness and virus is impacting kids significantly.

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President Doctors Association Kashmir, Dr Suhail Naik said that due to continuous viral replication, the virus develops different changes in its genetic code called as mutations, and subsequent alterations in its antigenic structure and virulence factors. 

These different mutations has led to different variants of virus with increased capability to infect people across all age groups. The distinction in spike proteins, which the virus uses to attach itself to the body and multiply could also become more aggressive and thus, cause more infections.

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Therefore it seems kids are right now also prone to the dangers of COVID-19 since the virus has gotten stronger and 'smarter' in its attack Dr Naik added.

General Secretary DAK, Dr Owais H Dar further added that newer COVID-19 strains, such as the double mutant strain (called as Desi-Variant) identified in India is for the same reason, also increasing the number of symptomatic cases in children below the age of 16. 

The second wave of coronavirus is causing a surge in cases. Most particularly, the B.1.1.7 and India's B.1.617 variant are said to be quite scary for the kids too- who have been largely spared during the pandemic previously.

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As schools are closed, the kids usually contract infection from adults who go outside home and don't follow public health advisory religiously.

Doctors Association Kashmir appeals people to get themselves vaccinated as soon as possible, sooner the better and adopt Covid Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) religiously including wearing of face masks, Hand hygiene and avoiding Public gatherings.

Covid Appropriate Behaviour is particularly more important in closed spaces and Aur Conditioned rooms. 

People are again and again advised and requested to avoid overcrowding and overcrowded places as much as possible.

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