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JRCI request NIT Jalandhar to withdraw notice asking students to look for admission in other Institutes

JRCI request NIT Jalandhar to withdraw notice asking students to look for admission in other Institutes The Joint Research Council of India

By Ground report
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JRCI request NIT Jalandhar to withdraw notice asking students to look for admission in other institutes

The Joint Research Council of India (JRCI), an association of research scholars from all over India request to instruct NIT Jalandhar to withdraw notice asking selected Ph.D. students to look for admission in other institutes. "NIT Jalandhar in its notice advised the selected candidates to take admissions in other institutions as per their choice. The notice chose to blame the prevailing situation of the Covid-19 pandemic for this decision" JRCI said in it's statement.

The statement further reads "It needs to be noted that the whole world is fighting with corona, but with proper measures and discipline, we are back to work or at least working from home. So, the reason that the NIT Jalandhar administration is entirely an exaggeration of events".

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Vikrant Singh, President of Joint Research Council of India said "the Center has been doing in all its might to overcome the battle, and for return of normalcy. Will this harsh decision of NIT Jalandhar Administration not put our Young Scholars in a backlash and mental breakdown? This is a sheer injustice to their honest effort, time, and money. Scholars who have got admission come from various backgrounds. JRCI is demanding retrieval this order to ease up the struggle of our scholars in this pandemic time. JRCI has written to Government Authorities for the sake of Justice, and Welfare of PhD Scholars".

Moreover JRCI said that, the Corona pandemic is equal for all academic institutes, weather it's IITs, NITs, and many other institution, It is entirely incomprehensible that one educational institute is respecting and maintaining the faith and value of the Indian education system during the Corona pandemic, and it could not be possible for the NIT Jalandhar administration".

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"We all know that the government and our educational institutions must support the students in a global crisis. It is also very likely that many selected students will not be able to take admissions in any other institutions for various reasons, including lack of offer, choice, and opportunity due to the prevailing pandemic situation" JRCI said in a statement.

Statement further reads "It counts as injustice to the time, and effort put by students. Not only that, this could lead to heavy mental breakdown of scholars". Earlier The National Institute of Technology (NIT) Jalandhar had issued a notice saying it will not be able to admit students selected for the full-time PhD programme for the academic year 2020–21 (session – July 2020) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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