Wildlife trafficking, or the illegal trade of wild animals, plants, or their components, has an irretrievable impact on the environment, biodiversity, the overall state of the economy,
Indian scientists have recently discovered a remarkable collection of 62 plant species in the Western Ghats that possess an exceptional ability to withstand severe water scarcity.
In December 2012, the local Idu Mishmi people saw 3 tiger cubs in the Dibang Valley of Arunachal Pradesh. People immediately informed the Forest department.
The Jammu and Kashmir Wildlife Department claims that more than 40 lakh migratory birds have arrived in the valley's wetlands in the past four years, while 2022 recorded the highest arrival with more than 12 lakh guest birds.
Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has seen a significant drop of 40% compared to the same period last year, according to recent government data. The decline comes as a remarkable achievement
Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon grew 32% in July, compared to June, with 1,486 square kilometres of native vegetation destroyed, the largest loss of forest recorded since January this year, according to the Brazilian government.
A recent study published in Biological Reviews has raised concerns about global wildlife loss, painting a significantly more alarming picture of declining species populations than previously believed.
Equally feared and revered is one of the world's most iconic creatures: the majestic Bengal tiger. They are threatened by poaching, and humans are expanding into their shrinking habitats