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Who is staying at Twitter and who is leaving?

Twitter leaving; The future of Twitter is complicated, and very. The arrival of Elon Musk has caused absolute chaos both

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The future of Twitter is complicated, and very. The arrival of Elon Musk has caused absolute chaos both in his attempts to introduce new features to the service and —above all— in his cost reduction strategy. He has already fired a good part of the squad, but what happens now is that the squad resigns directly.

How many have resigned?

It's hard to say, but among employees, there is a staggering number: 75% of the approximately 3,700 employees still on the payroll would have chosen to leave the company after "hardcore" email, as it is now called.

If the data is confirmed, Twitter would currently have a staff of about 1,000 employees, when just two weeks ago it had 7,500. The data, yes, is not officially confirmed and according to the journalist Kylie Robinson, from Fortune, it is a "perception among people on Twitter."

Now, it appears Musk has some words of wisdom for his remaining employees, sending an email implying they either commit to an "uncompromising" work ethic or leave the company. The email offered six "insane productivity" rules.

Twitter user Liam Kircher obtained copies of the email, releasing the information contained in a Twitter thread. "Elon Musk's leaked email. His 6 rules for insane productivity: (Used at Tesla, Space X & now Twitter)," the first tweet read.

His 6 rules for insane productivity

  • 1) Avoid large meetings. Large meetings waste valuable time and energy. They discourage debate, people are more guarded than open, there's not enough time for everyone to contribute. Don't schedule large meetings unless you're certain they provide value to everyone," the first rule read.
  • 2) Leave a meeting if you're not contributing. If a meeting doesn't require your: Input, value, decisions. Your presence is useless. It's not rude to leave a meeting. But it's rude to waste people's time.
  • 3) Forget the chain of command. Communicate with colleagues directly. Not through supervisors or managers. Fast communicators make fast decisions. Fast decisions = competitive advantage."
  • 4) Be clear, not clever," the fourth rule went. "Avoid nonsense words and technical jargon. It slows down communication. Choose words that are: Concise, to the point, easy to understand. Don't sound smart. Be efficient."
  • 5) Ditch frequent meetings. There's no better way to waste everyone's time. Use meetings to: Collaborate, attack issues head-on, solve urgent problems. But once you resolve the issue, frequent meetings are no longer necessary.
  • 6) Use common sense. If a company rule doesn't: Make sense, contribute to progress, apply to your specific situation. Avoid following the rule with your eyes closed. Don't follow rules. Follow principles," the fifth and sixth rules stated.

Hundreds of resignations

The deadline ended yesterday at 23:00 CEST, and right before that deadline, goodbye emojis started appearing in the internal Slack they use on Twitter.

Hundreds of employees said goodbye to their colleagues and confirmed their resignation from the company. Several of those who have left the job also posted various goodbye messages on their Twitter accounts.


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