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Who is Israeli Commander Nimrod Aloni captured by Hamas?

Rockets from Gaza unleashed "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood", ending with the capture of Israeli military leader Nimrod Aloni by Palestinian forces.

By Ground report
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Who is Israeli Commander Nimrod Aloni captured by Hamas?

On the morning of October 7, the Palestinian Hamas movement and its allied forces launched “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” a large-scale operation against Israel. Rockets from the Gaza Strip rained down on the country's territories, and armed Palestinian groups infiltrated Israeli settlements. H

ours after the militant organization initiated an attack on a Middle Eastern country on early Saturday, reports surfaced that Hamas captured Israel Army Commander Nimrod Aloni. Hamas fighters announced that they captured General Nimrod Aloni, the Commander of Depth Corps, along with other Israeli military forces and bases.

Israeli troops were unable to repel Hamas’s swift incursion into the country in time. Consequently, Palestinian forces captured an Israeli military base, checkpoints, and at least seven settlements near the border with the Gaza Strip.

According to the latest reports, at least 57 Israeli citizens - military personnel and settlers living in the border areas - were taken captive by Hamas.

Hamas claims to have captured Israeli Defense Forces Major General Nimrod Aloni. The Israeli authorities have not yet confirmed the capture of the general. However, Arab media outlets are already circulating a photograph of a middle-aged man in shorts and a T-shirt, who bears a striking resemblance to the renowned Israeli military leader.

Major General Nimrod Aloni, 50, once commanded the IDF’s Gaza Division, which operated precisely on the border with the Gaza Strip. He led operations against Palestinian militias. In 2017, Aloni, then a colonel, commanded an operation in the Ramallah area. He later served as Chief of Staff of the Deep Operations Command.

Who is Israeli Commander Nimrod Aloni?

Major General Nimrod Aloni is a high-ranking officer in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). He once commanded the IDF’s Gaza Division, which operated precisely on the border with the Gaza Strip. He has led operations against Palestinian militias. For example, in 2017, Aloni, while still a colonel, commanded an operation in the Ramallah area1. He later served as Chief of Staff of the Deep Operations Command.

Aloni has been involved in several significant military operations and has played a crucial role in Israel’s defense strategy. His experience and leadership have been instrumental in managing conflicts and maintaining security along the volatile Gaza Strip.

However, reports emerged on October 7, 2023, stating that Palestinian forces captured Aloni during Hamas's "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood". The Israeli authorities have yet to confirm these reports.

Hamas deputy chief Saleh al-Arouri told Al Jazeera that they have captured "a big number" of Israelis, including "senior officers," according to his claim.

What is happening in Palestine?

The situation in Palestine has escalated dramatically. On October 7, the Palestinian Hamas movement and its allied forces launched a large-scale operation, dubbed “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” against Israel. This operation involved an unprecedented infiltration into southern Israel and the firing of thousands of rockets into the country.

The Israeli troops were unable to repel Hamas’s swift incursion into the country in time. Consequently, Palestinian forces captured an Israeli military base, checkpoints, and at least seven settlements near the border with the Gaza Strip. According to the latest reports, at least 57 Israeli citizens - military personnel and settlers living in the border areas - were taken captive by Hamas.

In response to these attacks, Israel has declared a "state of readiness for war". The attack has so far killed at least one person and injured 16 others. The outbreak of conflict follows months of surging violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with fatalities in the occupied West Bank hitting a scale not seen in years.

Air raid sirens wailed across Israel’s south and central areas, with the Israeli army urging the public to stay near bomb shelters. The elusive leader of Hamas’ military wing, Mohammed Deif, announced the beginning of what he called “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm.” “Enough is enough,” he said in the recorded message, as he called on Palestinians to join the fight. He said Hamas had fired over 5,000 rockets into Israel.

This escalation has led to international concern. The United Nations has urged both sides to “pull back from the brink” as casualties continue to rise. Meanwhile, German airline Lufthansa has cut flights to Israel following this wave of Palestinian attacks.

The situation remains volatile and fluid. The international community is closely monitoring developments and calling for restraint from both sides. The hope is for a swift resolution that will prevent further loss of life and damage.

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