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What is the Green New deal? 

What is the Green New deal; The Green New Deal, which was sponsored by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex and Senator Ed Markey, is a bold

By Wahid Bhat
New Update
What is the Green New deal

Ground Report | New Delhi: What is the Green New deal; The Green New Deal, which was sponsored by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex and Senator Ed Markey, is a bold plan to tackle the climate crisis by working towards a 100% clean and renewable country by 2030 and net-zero global emissions by 2050. There is only one plan that addresses the intersections of the climate crisis with economic inequalities and environmental racism and offers solutions in the form of millions of guaranteed, well-paid jobs.

Key takeaways

  • The term Green New Deal has been used to describe various sets of policies that aim to drive systemic change.
  • The term was first used in January 2007 by Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas Friedman and was popularized in 2019 by a motion in Congress by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey.
  • The deal, which failed to pass in the Senate, calls for the creation of new jobs while emphasizing environmental and social justice.
  • Proponents say that everyone is responsible for paying their fair share, which will result in tremendous cost savings.
  • Critics say the deal would cost $93 trillion to implement.

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The Green new deal has 5 Main goals:

  • To Achieve Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions
  • To create, millions of good jobs with high wages that ensure prosperity and economic security for all people in the U.S
  • To invest in the infrastructure of the U.S. to Meet the 21st century
  • To secure clean air and water, climate resilience, healthy food, access to nature, and a sustainable environment for all people in the U.S.
  • To promote justice and equity by stopping current and preventing future oppression of frontline workers and vulnerable communities

What is the Green New deal

Warming oceans, rising global temperatures, shrinking ice sheets, glacial retreat, decreasing ice cover, sea-level rise, extreme weather events, Arctic sea ice decline, ocean acidification Each of us is the only world By paying attention, we can become a witness to climate change. we.

One of the most damaging myths about climate change is that there is nothing we can do about it. This is undeniably a lie. Human beings can curb climate change in many ways, the most important thing we can do is to stop the increase in the number of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. Adoption of policies at the federal level—such as the Green New Deal—is important.

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  • Build or upgrade energy efficient, distributed and smart power grids providing affordable electricity
  • Upgrading and new construction of all existing buildings to achieve maximum energy efficiency, water efficiency, safety, affordability, comfort and sustainability.
  • Supporting family farming, investing in sustainable farming, and building a more sustainable and equitable food system
  • investment in transportation systems, namely zero-emissions vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing, public transportation, and high-speed rail
  • Restoring ecosystems through land conservation, afforestation and science-based projects
  • Cleanup of existing hazardous waste and abandoned sites
  • Identifying unknown sources of pollution and emissions
  • Working with the international community on solutions and helping them achieve green new deals

The climate crisis will not wait for politicians to rest. A burning planet has consequences, and the situation we leave our children in will be proportionate to the courage (or lack thereof) we show now".

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