The Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) in the National Capital Region (NCR) and adjoining areas, taking a significant step toward the overall improvement of the air quality of the National Capital Region.
They launched an initiative to reduce the menace of air pollution in Delhi-NCR. A comprehensive policy has been prepared.
This policy focused on tackling industries vehicles/transportation, Construction and Demolition (C&D), dust from roads and open areas, burning municipal solid waste, To prevent air pollution in NCR including crop stubble burning, etc.
The policy framed by CAQM covers Thermal Power Plants (TPPs) , clean fuels and electric mobility , public transport , road traffic management diesel generators (DG) , Dealing with bursting of crackers and reducing air pollution through greenery and tree plantation.
The scope of this comprehensive scheme by CAQM is mainly to reduce air pollution in Delhi and NCR. Due to lack of infrastructure and systems in the sub-regions of NCR , Due to vast changes in infrastructure and different levels of urbanisation , A different approach and time-frame has been suggested for different sub-sectors. These sub-areas include:
National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT)
NCR District Near Delhi - Gurugram , Faridabad , Sonipat , Jhajjar , Rohtak , ghaziabad , Gautam Buddha Nagar and Baghpat
Other NCR Districts
In the entire state of Punjab and non-NCR districts of Haryana , Mainly to address the incidents of stubble burning Hon'ble Supreme Court In its order, directed the CAQM "to find a permanent solution to the menace of air pollution occurring every year in Delhi and NCR , Suggestions can be invited from the general public as well as from experts in the field."
policies , regulations , programs and funding strategies , Reviewed and examined the current state of action and best practice approaches. Received suggestions civil society , research bodies , industry , experts , academics , were from persons etc. and air pollution , air quality management The key areas of monitoring framework and institutional strengthening for implementation were related to mitigation.
Industries within the scope of this multi-sectoral assessment , power plant , vehicles and transport , diesel generator set construction/demolition projects/roads and open areas such as municipal solid waste/biomass burning , stubble burning , bursting firecrackers , other scattered sources such as dust sources , Are included. The inputs and suggestions received in a series of stakeholder consultations were appropriately incorporated in the relevant sections and this participatory approach has enriched the exercise of suggesting a comprehensive policy to curb air pollution in Delhi-NCR.
The Expert Group, considering the issues and complexities involved , Short term (up to one year ) medium term (one to three years ) and long term (three-five years , preferably) suggested actions. This time-frame has been varied for different sub-regions/regions/districts/cities to provide room for change for all to meet the common air quality target. roughly , Important areas of change aimed at meeting national ambient air quality standards include:
- Industry , Wider access to affordable clean fuels and technology in transportation and households.
- Mass transit , electrification of vehicles , Mobility changes including building walking and cycling infrastructure and reducing personal vehicle use etc.
- Circular economy for material recovery from waste to prevent dumping and burning
- C & d works , Right of Roads/Roads (ROW) and Appropriate Technology , Dust management from open areas with infrastructure and green measures
- strict time bound implementation Better monitoring and compliance.
The Commission has already introduced this policy to the Ministries/Departments of the Central Government , NCR State Governments , This policy has been shared with GNCTD and various agencies so that comprehensive work can be done on the policy to prevent air pollution in NCR. look Website of the Commission for Policy Documents cqm.nic.in .
Commenting on this policy SN Tripathi, a member of the steering committee of the National Clean Air Program and Professor, IIT Kakanpur, Department of Main Civil Engineering , says , “ The formulation of a sector wise comprehensive policy by CAQM is a welcome step in terms of air pollution control. Broadly based on the airshed approach for NCR, the good thing about this policy is that it includes targeted actions and timelines for each region. The focus on improving the quality of air pollution data and bridging the gaps through sensor based monitoring in rural and semi-urban areas will help authorities make evidence-based decisions for better mitigation and mitigation measures."
Atul Goyal , President - United Residents Joint Action (Energy) Delhi , says , “ Policy makers may have made a large number of recommendations and steps for the Urban Local Bodies and other departments, but all these things will not work till then , Unless a system of citizen participation will be developed. Urja had earlier suggested three or four public participation mechanisms to the concerned authorities, but neither the policy makers nor the administration has agreed to allow for active citizen participation."
Finally Dr. Arun Sharma- President , Society for the Indoor Environment explains , " There is nothing new in this document. Whatever has been said in it has been said for the past few years. We need a collection of actionable points , Not a list of what needs to be done. This document focuses more on surveillance and less on preventive measures. Yet it raises a hope."
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