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This time Pak army used heavy artillery weapons along LoC: IG BSF

BSF IG Rajesh Mishra said that 250 to 300 terrorists of Pakistan along the border were launched to infiltrate into India

By Ground report
New Update
This time Pak army used heavy artillery weapons along LoC: IG BSF

On November 13, BSF IG Rajesh Mishra on Sunday said that 250 to 300 terrorists of Pakistan along the border were launched to infiltrate into India on the issue of ceasefire violations on LoC by Pakistan and use of ammunition in large quantities. But our army and the Border Security Force (BSF) are fully prepared. He further said that without any reason Pakistan fired and used big guns.

IG Rajesh Mishra said that Army and BSF soldiers fought bravely. Our soldiers and civilians have been casualties. Civilian property was damaged. We also gave a strong answer. We destroyed many of their bunkers. The issue of human rights violations should be raised in this. Pakistan has targeted common citizens.

Paying tributes to the slain BSF man Rakesh, who was killed in action during the LoC shelling, IG BSF said that Pakistan resorted to unprovoked firing along the LoC in Kashmir. “The Pakistani resorted to use of heavy artillery and modern weapons. Own troops gave a befitting reply and destroyed Pakistani army camps, launch pads and ammunition depots,” Mishra told reporters.

He said the slain BSF man deserves highest tributes as he fought despite getting injured in shelling.

He said that in the intense shelling many civilians were killed, property destroyed and some civilians sustained injuries as well. Mishra said that at present all launch pads are active across the LoC and some 300 militants are ready to sneak into this side. “Security forces, including BSF are ready to foil all infiltration bids that will be made before the snowfall would block all infiltration routes,” he said.

The top BSF officer said that human rights organization must take note of the damage caused to the civilian properties and killing of civilians in the intense shelling by Pakistan in north Kashmir areas.

On the provocative firing from Pakistan, the Foreign Ministry summoned a senior officer of the Pakistan High Commission and lodged a strong objection. India also expressed its strong objection by summoning the Charge d Affairs of Pakistan High Commission.

Actually, Pakistan has been restless since the abolition of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir. While the action of India has digged the grave of terror in Jammu and Kashmir. On the other hand, Pakistan is not able to infiltrate the new batch of terrorists.