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Somewhere in world, every 16 seconds an unborn is killed

World, unborn, killed: There was an increased risk of the baby dying in the womb due to the extreme temperature during pregnancy

By Ground Report
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Somewhere in world, every 16 seconds an unborn is killed

It is estimated that 17 to 19 percent of stillbirth cases are responsible for exposure to extremely hot and cold temperatures during pregnancy.

Ground Report | New Delhi: World, unborn, killed: There was an increased risk of the baby dying in the womb due to the extreme temperature during pregnancy. The information is revealed in a study done by researchers of the University of Queensland's School of Earth and Environmental Science and the Mater Research Institute, which is published in the journal Environmental Research.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), when a child is born at or after 28 weeks of gestation with no signs of life, it is called stillbirth.

In this study, scientists were investigating whether rising global temperatures could lead to an increase in cases of stillbirth. According to scientists , exposure to extreme temperatures during pregnancy can increase cases of stillbirth, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy. Although climate change has a hand in this, further studies are needed to make it completely clear.

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Researcher Jessica Sexton, associated with this research, has reported that although this was very preliminary research, it has shown that staying in too high or too low a temperature during pregnancy increases the risk of stillbirth between which it and the temperature Shows the relationship. According to him, the risk of stillbirth is more when the temperature of the atmosphere is below 15 ° C and above 23.4 ° C. In this also, the greatest danger is when the temperature is more than 29.4 degrees Celsius.

They have expressed that extremely hot and cold temperatures during pregnancy are responsible for about 17 to 19 percent of stillbirths. As the temperature is increasing due to the changes in the climate, it will increase the risk of stillbirth around the world. Although at the same time they have also acknowledged that very limited research has been done in this matter, more research is needed on this.

At the same time, other researcher and environmental scientist Dr. Scott Liske said that as the temperature is increasing, its effect will affect women more in developing countries. Every year more than 20 lakh stillbirth cases are reported worldwide. The main reason for this is lack of resources. In such a situation, the previous countries who were already facing this problem, the risk of it will increase more due to climate change.

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At the same time, according to another researcher associated with this research, Vicky Flandy, it is necessary that research needs to be done to reduce the cases of stillbirth. If seen, somewhere in the world, every 16 seconds an unborn is killed. This has a long lasting painful effect not only on the mother of the child but also on the whole family. Which also has a profound mental impact on women living in high income countries.

If we look at the figures released by the United Nations for 2019, around 19 lakh cases of stillbirth were reported worldwide this year, out of which about 3.4 lakh cases were reported in India alone, which was the highest in the world. According to the report released on 8 October 2020, India had reported more than half of the world's stillbirths in five other countries - Pakistan, Nigeria, Congo, China and Ethiopia.

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