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PM Modi at SCO Summit: Extremism will strengthen if instability increases

PM Modi at SCO Summit; Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on the issue of Afghanistan in the ongoing meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation

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Ground Report | New Delhi: PM Modi at SCO Summit; Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on the issue of Afghanistan in the ongoing meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tajikistan that if the situation there is not normal then it can be a threat to the neighboring countries and the world.

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PM Modi at SCO Summit

Prime Minister Modi was addressing this conference of Shanghai Cooperation Organization through a video link. "The recent developments in Afghanistan will have the greatest impact on neighboring countries like us and, therefore, regional focus and cooperation is necessary on this issue," he said.

“If instability and fundamentalism persist in Afghanistan, it will encourage terrorist and extremist ideologies all over the world. At the same time, other extremist groups can also be encouraged to gain power through violence. He said the uncontrolled flow of drugs, illegal arms, and human trafficking could increase.

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He said, “A large number of modern weapons remain in Afghanistan. Due to these, there could be a risk of instability in the entire region.” Expressing India's commitment to Afghanistan, PM Modi said, "We are keen to provide food, medicines, etc. to Afghanistan. Together we should ensure that humanitarian aid reaches Afghanistan without stopping."

In the same conference, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan also said that instability in Afghanistan can become a problem for other countries. He said that leaving Afghanistan alone could lead to civil war and its negative impact on neighboring countries. He said this could increase the number of refugees, increase the smuggling of drugs and increase international organized crime.

Four things of PM Modi on Afghanistan

  1. The regime change in Afghanistan is not inclusive, and has happened without negotiation.
  1. If instability and fundamentalism persist in Afghanistan, it will encourage terrorist and extremist ideologies all over the world. Other extremist groups may also be encouraged to seek power through violence.
  1. The developments in Afghanistan could lead to an uncontrolled flow of drugs, illegal arms and human trafficking. A large amount of advanced weapons remain in Afghanistan. Due to these, there will be a risk of instability in the entire region.
  1. The fourth topic concerns the serious humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. The economic helplessness of the Afghan people is increasing due to the interruption in finance and trade. At the same time, the challenge of COVID is also a cause of torture for them.

Speaking on connectivity projects with SCO's newest full member Iran, PM Modi said that all member states should ensure that connectivity projects should not be affected by the situation in Afghanistan and respect the sovereignty of the country.

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