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Clever Tricks And Sneaky Moves: Ways To Outsmart Your Opponents In Ludo

Do you want to be invincible in ludo? Do you want to be sneaky enough to outsmart the opponents?

By Ground report
New Update

Do you love board games? Ludo must be right on top of your favorite list. In India, the game has been enjoyed by generations, and it is still a crowd-puller, regardless of age. Although the game is mainly played for entertainment purposes, it is a game of strategy where the right tricks and skills will make you invincible. If you play the game online, take advantage of the tournaments run by different platforms and apps. Participating in these tournaments will fetch you lucrative cash prizes and rewards. So, do you want to be invincible in ludo? Do you want to be sneaky enough to outsmart the opponents? Here are the top ludo tips and tricks to follow:

●     Get acquainted with the rules

The first strategy is to acquaint yourself with the game’s rules. Knowing the rules in detail makes it comfortable to play the game and also helps in making strategic decisions.

●     Get all the tokens out

Getting all your tokens or pawns out at the earliest is one of the popular ludo tricks. If you only use one or two tokens to move forward with every dice roll, you are taking unnecessary risks. Your opponents may soon capture your tokens and send you back where you started. As soon as you open all the tokens, you maximize the flexibility of moving them across the board. You can even strategize your moves and have options to play different tokens when the number on the dice is low. Hence, put all the tokens into action as soon as possible.

●     Do not race behind a single token

When all the tokens have reached the home triangle, you win. Thus, it is better to move the tokens simultaneously so none of them get left out. Also, it would be best if you spread the tokens across the board. This will help you to block or capture your opponents so your chances of winning improve.

●     Spread the tokens across the board

To gain a strategic advantage in a ludo battle, you must spread your coins across the board. Placing your tokens tactically will let you move your pawns freely if there are no opponents nearby. For example, if you have two tokens in the same place and they are surrounded by opponents, moving any piece might get your coin killed immediately. Also, with this strategy, you can block your opponents and stop them from reaching their homes.

●     Tactically move the tokens

The tokens must always be moved tactically. Playing strategically is the only way to gain a competitive advantage in the game. You must carefully think of every move because your actions are directly related to your score.

●     Block opponents

Blocking your opponents is an excellent trick that will help you score higher than the others. You can focus on distracting your opponents while you take your tokens safely across the board and reach home. When any of your tokens are nearing your home, the others in the game will eye that piece and try to capture it. To protect the pieces from your opponent’s attack, you must block your opponent. You can chase their tokens. A good tactic will be to stay at least seven steps ahead of the others so that their chances of reaching your piece are less. This is the safest place for your tokens.

●     Capture the opponent’s token

Ludo is not only about getting all your tokens out and then spreading them on the board. It is also about capturing your opponent’s tokens and sending them back to the start. This reduces the chances of your opponent’s reaching home before you. Thus, capture your opponent’s tokens when you get a chance and don’t let them win.

●     Do not be impatient

One of the key tips to winning ludo games is being patient. For example, if your tokens are on the star-shaped zones on the board, opponents cannot kill your tokens. These are safe zones. In this situation, it is best not to leave the star-shaped zone unless you get a good number. You can move other tokens if they are available. It is essential to patiently wait for the right opportunity to move your token out of the safety zone. Otherwise, your token will be captured, and you must start over again.

To summarize the tricks:

  1. You must learn the game’s rules before clicking play.
  2. Once the game starts, focus on getting all the tokens out so you have more opportunities to move them across the board strategically.
  3. Don’t waste your time attacking a single token and putting your other tokens at risk.
  4. Your tokens must be spread across the board for better opportunities.
  5. The tokens must be moved strategically because every action impacts your score.
  6. Block your opponents so they cannot take their tokens home.
  7. Capture the opponent’s tokens to gain bonus points.
  8. It is essential to be patient when playing ludo.


Implement these ludo tricks and tips in the next ludo game. Outsmart your opponents and win cash prizes. You can try out these strategies in practice matches, and once you are confident in your skills, you can participate in tournaments. In money-making tournaments, the goal is to score higher than your opponents. If you score any less, you will miss out on winning the rewards. So, install the application and embark on the journey of sneaking up on your opponents and ambushing them.

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