Ayushi Verma | Ground Report
Centre for development of advanced computing, hello pahle bank off application for the project engineer post. Interested candidates can apply for centre for development of advanced computing, Mumbai recruitment 2020 with the eligibility criteria and on or before 15 November 2020.
They are inviting for the vacancies data for post of project engineer anda purely on contractual basis for various projects.
IBPS SO 2020 recruitment
Indian Institute of Banking personnel has released the IBPS SO notification on November 1 2020.
Its registration will be started from 2nd November 2020 through common recruitment process full stop interested candidates can apply for the post of specialist officer (SO), under CRP SPL-X, on or before 23 November 2020 on its official website ibps.in
Selection for IBPS SO 2020 will be done on the basis of nationwide online examination (preliminary and mains)
As per IBPS calendar schedule coma IBPS exam will be held on 2nd December and 27th December 2020.
Students who can successfully complete the IBPS preliminary exam successfully will be called for its second drive that is for mains exam which will schedule on 30 January 2021.
CSIR- CIMFR recruitment 2020
Central Institute of mining and fuel research (CSIR- CIMFR), Dhanbad has opened a bank of vacancies for the technical officer post. Interested candidates can apply for it through the the prescribed application format of eligibility on or before 2nd December 2020.
Candidates should be qualified and experienced with a high degree of motivation and desire to take off the opportunity of Technical officer in this Institute.
SPA Delhi non teaching recruitment 2020
School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), Delhi non teaching is open a bank off vacancies for recruitment on the post of assistant registrar sports officer and other post in group a group b and group C categories.
Interested candidates can apply with the eligibility criteria.
Last date of submission for the application is December 1st 2020. Qualification holder includes diploma holder post graduate other qualifications commerce graduate.