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How to make school a common home that teaches care for planet?

School teaches care planet; Surveys and studies reveal that the majority of today's youth are deeply concerned about the health

By Ground report
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How to make school a common home that teaches care for planet?

Surveys and studies reveal that the majority of today's youth are deeply concerned about the health of the planet and are demanding systemic changes in the ways of producing and relating to avoid the adverse effects of climate change.

The school system, which sees thousands of young people with dreams, concerns, and hopes to pass through its corridors each year, has yet to fully embrace environmental education or contribute to the formation of ecological citizens.

In the past, environmental education has been limited to a small amount of time within schools, such as thematic units in science classes, workshops, commemorations of significant dates, or isolated projects.

However, the poor results in terms of changing habits and increasing awareness demonstrate the inadequacy of the school's role as a transformative agent in addressing this increasingly urgent challenge.

Making school a common home that teaches care for the planet requires a multi-faceted approach that involves students, teachers, and the broader school community. Here are some ideas for how to accomplish this goal:

Incorporate sustainability into the curriculum

Schools should integrate sustainability education across all subjects, from science to social studies. This could include lessons on climate change, renewable energy, waste reduction, and conservation.

By teaching students about the impact of their actions on the planet, they can become more aware of their role in creating a sustainable future.

Create a green campus

Schools can take steps to reduce their environmental impact by implementing eco-friendly practices on campus. This could include installing solar panels, implementing a recycling program, using sustainable materials for building and maintenance, and reducing energy and water consumption.

Involve students in eco-friendly initiatives

Schools can encourage students to take an active role in sustainability initiatives, such as participating in a school garden, composting program, or environmental club. By involving students in these projects, they can learn about sustainable practices while also developing important leadership and teamwork skills.

Foster a sense of community

Schools can create a sense of community by involving students, teachers, and families in sustainability efforts. This could include hosting sustainability events, inviting guest speakers to discuss environmental issues, or creating a sustainability committee made up of members from across the school community.

Encourage personal responsibility

Schools can encourage personal responsibility by providing students with opportunities to make sustainable choices. This could include offering vegetarian or vegan meal options, encouraging students to use reusable water bottles and bags, or promoting alternative forms of transportation such as biking or walking.

Teaching is a hopeful endeavor that believes in the power of learning to inspire positive change. By promoting a comprehensive approach to ecology, schools can serve as guiding lights for our society.

Educators can follow the "3R" principle in their work: Reduce excessive consumption, Reuse available resources, and Recycle curriculum designs, including teacher development programs, to foster a culture of care.

Through this approach, schools can transform into shared homes for students, teachers, families, and administrators, recognizing that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

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