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How dangerous is India's S400 missile system?

How dangerous is India's S400 missile; India had started installing the state-of-the-art S400 Triumph missile system, the first installment

By Ground report
New Update
First unit of S-400 deployed in Punjab

Ground Report | New Delhi: How dangerous is India's S400 missile; India had started installing the state-of-the-art S400 Triumph missile system, the first installment of which was received earlier this month, in the Punjab state adjacent to Pakistan.

The supply of the missile system to India began in the first week of December, despite US opposition, and India made the announcement while Russian President Vladimir Putin was in New Delhi.

The system acts as an umbrella that enables it to withstand any kind of aerial threat from the enemy. You may have heard of Israel's 'Iron Dome' or America's Patriot missile system, this system works just like them, but as will be explained below, in many ways is better than them.

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How dangerous is India's S400 missile system

According to the Washington-based think tank The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), which oversees military and strategic affairs, it is an alternative to the US Patriot missile system. It was developed by the Russian defense agency Almaz Central Design Bureau, which has been working on the system since 1993.

The same company has previously built the S200 and S300, thus making the S400 the fourth generation of this missile system and using it against all types of airstrikes, including aircraft, drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles.

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The missile system can respond to airstrikes in an area of ​​250 to 400 km. The system is equipped with five types of missiles that are capable of firing and defusing a target.

The United States had offered to sell either the Thad or Patriot system to India to prevent it from buying the Russian system, but India preferred the Russian system. The Trump administration has since threatened to impose sanctions on India under the CAATSA Act.

Thad missile system

According to the Financial Express newspaper, the S400 has an advantage over the US Thad missile system in that the Thad fits in one place, while the S400 is mounted on heavy 8-by-8 trucks that can be fired in any area. It can be taken. Since this whole system is mobile, it cannot be easily attacked by the enemy in times of war and can be moved from one place to another in view of the threat posed by the enemy.

In contrast, the US Thad system is effective against long-range missiles and does not work against enemy warplanes other than those fired from close range. In addition, the range of the Thad is also half that of the S400, that is, 150 to 200 km.

Another difference is that the Thad can fire only one type of missile, while the S400 has several types of missiles that can be used depending on the type of target.

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