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Hillarious Meme fest on Deltacron "Variant joining Forces"

Hillarious Meme fest on Deltacron; After the detection of the Omicron variant in November, which caused an increase in infections and

By Ground report
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Hillarious Meme fest on Deltacron Variant joining Forces

Ground Report | New Delhi: Hillarious Meme fest on Deltacron; After the detection of the Omicron variant in November, which caused an increase in infections and accumulated incidence, another variant has now appeared in Cyprus. It is 'Deltacron', a combination of the Delta and Omicron variants.

According to the professor of Biology at the University of Cyprus, Leondios Kostrikis, currently "there are co-infections of Omicron and Delta" and in the case of this variant known in the Cypriot country, it is " a combination of both".

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"We will see in the future if this strain is more pathological or more contagious or if it will prevail" over the delta and the omicron, said Kostrikis. His personal opinion is that this strain will also be displaced by the highly contagious omicron variant.

At the moment Kostrikis and his team have identified 25 cases of the new "deltacron" and have highlighted that they are more frequent in hospitalized patients for COVID-19 than in non-hospitalized positives.

25 cases reported in Cyprus

With regard to the new variant, and according to the information provided by the Cypriot Executive, 25 new infections have been reported. On the other hand, the one who is also director of the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Molecular Virology explained that the new variant " is more frequent in hospitalized patients than in vaccinated ones ."

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At the moment, Omicron registered on Thursday, January 6, the highest number of daily infections in the world, which was 2.3 million and has forced many countries in the world to adopt new restrictions in order to put a stop to this upward trend of cases.

Hillarious Meme fest on Deltacron

Hilarious memes and jokes have gone viral on Twitter after a researcher in Cyprus discovered a strain of the coronavirus that combines the delta and omicron variant.

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