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China, Pak, Taliban-controlled Afghan a concern for India: Chidambaram

China, Pak, Taliban-controlled Afghan; After the Taliban started talks with India in Doha, former Home Minister P. Chidambaram on Wednesday

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Ground Report | New Delhi: China, Pak, Taliban-controlled Afghan; After the Taliban started talks with India in Doha, former Home Minister P. Chidambaram on Wednesday cautioned the government on the UN Security Council resolution on Afghanistan. 

China, Pak, Taliban-controlled Afghan

Chidambaram tweeted, The government is congratulating itself for the UNSC resolution passed yesterday on Afghanistan. 'Sankalp' has two meanings. The first is that the issue has been 'resolved' and settled to the satisfaction of India. This has not happened at the UNSC."

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He added, "The second meaning is that we have put our wishes on paper and asked some other people to sign that paper, this is what happened at UNSC yesterday."

Chidambaram cautioned the government that it was too early to congratulate himself. The potential pivot of China, Pakistan and Taliban-controlled Afghanistan is a cause for concern.

Resolution on Afghanistan

On 30 August, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution on Afghanistan, which aims to prevent the use of Afghan land by terrorist organizations against any country. The resolution was adopted with 13 votes, while Russia and China abstained.

Meanwhile, for the first time, India has made public its meeting with the Taliban. The government said that India's ambassador to Qatar, Deepak Mittal, met Sher Mohammad Abbas Stankzai, the head of the Taliban's political office in Doha. 

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The ministry said that the meeting took place at the Indian Embassy, ​​Doha, at the request of the Taliban side. The discussion focused on the safety and speedy return of Indian citizens stranded in Afghanistan.

Ambassador Mittal expressed concern that the soil of Afghanistan should not be used in any way for anti-India activities and terrorism.

Stanikzai assured the ambassador that these issues would be addressed positively. Trained at the Indian Military Academy in 1982, Stanikzai, known as Sheru, rose to the rank of deputy health minister during the Taliban regime, and later served as a chief peace negotiator in Doha.

He was also the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Taliban regime. The 58-year-old Pashtun comes from the Stanikzai clan. He can speak five languages ​​and has served as the head of the Taliban's political office between 2015-2019.

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