Ayushi Verma | Ground Report
Employment is a basic need through which we can earn our livelihood. Government and private sectors have advertised for various job, online application process has started, here is the list of jobs to apply for this week.
So let's see and search jobs
Union public service commission UPSC All India council for technical Education AICTE and railways have advertised for various vacancies.
List of jobs to apply
AICTE recruitment 2020
The All India council for technical Education AICTE has open bank of vacant post forcandidates interested in post of principal investigator, data analyst, data manager, and other vacant positions.
For every post there is a single vacancy and the candidate selected will get salary of amount 1 lakh rupees and above. Interested students can apply till October 28 through the website aicte-india.org
UPSC recruitment 2020
Union public service commission UPSC advertised for vacancies in government department. There are a total 44 vacant post for which candidates can apply which include 11 vacancies in Defence Ministry and 33 in Health Ministry and Family Welfare.
Interested candidates can apply through the website upsc.gov.in or upsconline.nic.in and the online process will be closed by October 30.
RRB recruitment 2020
The national rail and transportation institute ,NRTI has also invited interested candidates for vacant post of teaching and non teaching. Which includes post of professor associate professor assistant professor and other non teaching positions.
Interested candidates can apply at nrti.edu.in and the online application for this particular vacancy will be closed on 10 November.
SSC stenographer recruitment 2020
Staff selection commission has open a bank for vacant post of stenographer grade C and D. Application process had begin on October 10 and will be last on 4 November.
Interested candidates can apply at the website ssc.nic.in
So guys let's invite yourself to such opportunities for bright future.