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Top 10 Poorest countries in the world?

Top 10 Poorest countries in the world; Of the 48 poorest countries in the world, more than three-quarters are on the African continent

By Ground report
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Ground Report | New Delhi: Top 10 Poorest countries in the world; Of the 48 poorest countries in the world, more than three-quarters are on the African continent. This means that more than half of the countries in Africa are among the least developed and with the highest poverty rate. Among them, 9 are classified as humanitarian emergencies. Furthermore, the high birth rates in African countries often make children the main victims of this situation. Hunger and malnutrition because of poverty generating consequences for life.

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Below you will find the list of the 10 poorest countries in the world and a more detailed infographic about poverty in the world, with all the keys to understanding it.

Top 10 Poorest countries in the world

Central African Republic

In recent years, one in four Central Africans has had to flee because of the war. Among them, thousands of children have been recruited and forced to work as soldiers or sex slaves. The clashes between the Seleka and anti-Balaka groups have forced thousands of people to flee their villages and cities in a crisis that mainly affects the very young.

60% of the population are children.

RCA is one of the poorest countries in the world. There are half a million internally displaced people. Approximately 6,000 live in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic. More than half are underage boys and girls who have been able to flee from forced recruitment to be child soldiers, cooks, messengers, or sex slaves. Hunger, malnutrition, and the scarcity of resources are other consequences of the conflict.

2. Burundi

After the coup in Bujumbura, more than 300,000 people depend on humanitarian aid to survive in this country. This small country, with an area even smaller than Galicia, has one of the lowest GDP per capita in the world. After almost four years of atrocities to the population, it has become one of the most forgotten conflicts on the planet and one of those that manage to achieve the least funding in the UN Refugee Agency. Burundi is immersed in indiscriminate violence against innocent victims.

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The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Despite being in a humanitarian emergency, the Democratic Republic of the Congo hosts almost half a million refugees from other countries. There, the armed conflict that has occurred in recent years and the low GDP per capita are joined by deadly diseases such as malaria and Ebola, the worst outbreak in recent years.

4. Liberia

Despite being one of the 5 poorest countries in the world, thousands of refugees from South Sudan have found in the refugee camps of Liberia a home to stay.

5. Niger

The fifth poorest country in the world today hosts thousands of neighboring Nigerian refugees.

6. Malawi

50.7% of the population is below the poverty line. This means, according to the international standard of extreme poverty, that millions of people live on less than $ 1.25 a day: less than € 35 a month. Despite its location and small size, more than 2,000 refugees from Mozambique live in the Luwani camp in Malawi.

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7. Mozambique

The seventh poorest country in the world hosts hundreds of refugees, although the food supply threatens its continuity due to a lack of funding.

8. Guinea

Despite being the 10th poorest country on earth, Guinea hosts hundreds of refugees from its neighboring country, Mali.

9. Eritrea

Thousands of people from the Horn of Africa have taken refuge there since 2012.

10. Guinea - Bissau

“34% of those who live below the poverty line are children under 12 years of age. Consequences such as child labor reach rates of 21.4% in sub-Saharan Africa ”.

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