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What is Web 3.0, how it is gonna revolutionise everything?

What is Web 3.0; Since its creation, the Internet has undergone major changes, both in its operation and in its objectives. 

By Ground Report
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What is Web 3.0, how it is gonna revolutionise everything

Ground Report | New Delhi: What is Web 3.0; Since its creation, the Internet has undergone major changes, both in its operation and in its objectives. The first websites were purely informative and did not allow interaction with users. The rise of social networks and the birth of pages such as Amazon and Wikipedia ushered in a new stage in the history of the Internet: The era of Web 2.0.

Today, with the advancement of new technologies, we are seeing the birth of a new concept: Web 3.0. This new version of the Internet is closely linked to the concept of 'Semantic Web', which, in general terms, seeks to introduce a series of languages ​​and procedures that can interpret certain user characteristics in order to offer a more personalized interface.

Although there is no consensus on the definition of this new term and its implications in the use of the Internet, there are certain characteristics that help us to shape this concept.

What Is Web 3.0?

In the constant evolution that occurs in the technological world, the idea of web 3.0 refers to a web capable of interpreting and interconnecting a greater number of data, which will allow an increase in interactivity and meaning.

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A perfect example of this in action can be found within the realm of advertising, where promotions for products in which you have an active interest follow you around the web.

But many experts also believe that Web 3.0 will allow for a faster and more intuitive web experience with the ability to ditch search phrases on the command line and instead talk to people like Google naturally. "Show me all the movies that are in my local theater tomorrow night," is a perfect example of a search phrase that will deliver the desired results in the age of Web 3.0.


The situation that favors the appearance of this new web stage is the need for a more “intelligent” Internet in which users can search closer to natural language, the information that the search returns will be more relevant thanks to the rules associated with it. meaning of web content.

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The characteristics that will be provided to the web:

  1. The histories of each user will be recorded :
    1. Navigation frequency.
    2. Web visits.
    3. Type of searches.
    4. The activities that are carried out.
    5. Online purchases made.
  2. The data and behavior on each website are analyzed.
  3. Personalization of the web depending on each user.
  4. Development of technology 3.0 with a language, intelligent programs, artificial intelligence assistance and semantics:
    1. RDF: tools like RDF Schema and OWL allow adding meaning to pages, and is one of the essential technologies of the Semantic Web.
    2. Ontologies: ontology in computing refers to the attempt to formulate an exhaustive and rigorous conceptual scheme within a domain in order to facilitate communication and information sharing between different systems.
    3. Artificial Intelligence: adds to this set of technologies the computational processing part to deduce new knowledge from what is provided by the different sources of knowledge. The AI ​​takes as input the rules and relationships between concepts, objects and deduces new truths by growing the knowledge base.
    4. com: The site's goal is ambitious and it hopes to be the world's largest free global database.
  5. Personalization of the website offered, depending on each user.
  1. Interoperability between platforms and social networks.
  2. Geolocation : to know where the users are.
  3. Smart searches : thousands of entries will no longer appear when searching, the network will know each person and adapt to them.

The future of Web 3.0

Just as Web 2.0 became our current standard for interaction on the Web, so will Web 3.0. At this time, there are already several services of the Web 3.0 type. For example, Siacoin's distributed storage system is a type of Web 3.0 storage system, making use of blockchain, smart contracts and taking these types of systems to a new level of interaction and security.

Now social networks such as Voice by EOS, or Hive are starting to appear that allows you to share with your followers. That in addition to having a direct interaction and without intermediaries with them, and all the data is under your control.

Or maybe projects like Golem, where you can perform complex computing tasks, making use of computational resources rented for a low price. An ideal project for research in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Data Mining, and much more.

Ultimately, Web 3.0 is the future. A future where many technologies end up converging, and one of them is blockchain.

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