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What is Sanction Pakistan?

What is Sanction Pakistan; The Taliban took its tenth Afghan provincial capital since last week amid fighting with the country's d

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What is Sanction Pakistan?

Ground Report | New Delhi: What is Sanction Pakistan; The Taliban took its tenth Afghan provincial capital since last week amid fighting with the country's defence forces, a social media campaign against Pakistan, and its "prosthetic war" in Afghanistan that became a popular trend on Monday.

As Afghans have taken to Twitter to demand sanctions against Pakistan in supporting and enabling the Taliban, #SanctionPakistan is one of the top trending hashtags.

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What is sanction Pakistan?

Sanctions are punishments imposed by one country (or group of countries) on another country. Afghans practice #SanctionPakistan as Taliban intensify attacks. Law and legal definitions are sanctions, punishments, or other means of enforcement that are used to provide incentives for obedience to laws or rules and regulations. Criminal sanctions can take the form of severe punishment, such as corporal or capital punishment, imprisonment, or severe fines.

Fighting between the Taliban and Afghan forces has intensified since the US and allies began to withdraw from Afghanistan earlier this year. The situation is so dire that many Afghan soldiers have fled to neighbouring Tajikistan after clashes with the Taliban.

Pakistan is now in the hot seat for allegedly supporting the Taliban and providing safe havens to terrorists. Afghanistan's Foreign Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar said that the Taliban is colluding with terrorist groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Al-Qaeda, after which more eyes are on Islamabad. are fixed. bases in Pakistan.

A journalist from Kabul called on people to raise their voices against Pakistan and support terrorism in Afghanistan.

Another social media user tweeted that 96 per cent explosives used in IEDs in Afghanistan come from Pakistan. While the claim cannot be independently verified, it is yet another indicator of public perception of Pakistan among Afghan nationals.

Another user wrote, "The Afghan people appeal to the UN/ the international community, Pakistan's intelligence agency to shed the blood of innocent Afghans in Afghanistan in the name of jihad, so take strict action against terrorists, otherwise, the region will burn to the ground."

Taliban are closer to Kabul

The Taliban captured the key city of Ghazni, just 95 miles from the capital, Kabul. This has been confirmed by both the Taliban and a senior Afghan lawmaker, according to AFP. The city of Ghazni is the tenth provincial capital to fall to the Taliban in a week. The city is located on the highway between the main cities of Kabul and Kandahar.

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After the Taliban took control of Ghazni, the main road between the Afghan capital Kabul and the main city of Kandahar has slipped out of the hands of the government. "The Taliban have taken over key areas of the city," Nasir Ahmad Faqiri, head of the provincial council, told AFP. These include the governor's office and police headquarters and prisons.

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