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Meta allowed anti-Muslim ads in India

A report reveals Meta approved AI-manipulated political ads during India's election, spreading disinformation and hate speech, highlighting significant lapses in content moderation and raising concerns about the platform's impact on inciting violence

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Meta allowed anti-Muslim ads in India
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A recent report reveals disturbing revelations about Meta's approval of AI-manipulated political advertisements during India’s election, The Guardian reported on Monday, citing an investigation by two civil society organisations. The ads, containing hate speech and disinformation, were reportedly sanctioned by Meta, sparking concerns about the platform's role in spreading misinformation and inciting religious violence.

Among the approved adverts were inflammatory messages targeting Muslims in India, including slurs and calls for violence. Additionally, political leaders were falsely accused of extremist agendas, further exacerbating tensions. Despite pledges to combat harmful content, Meta’s systems failed to detect AI-manipulated images in the adverts, highlighting a critical lapse in content moderation.

The adverts submitted midway through India’s six-week election, raised serious questions about Meta's ability to prevent the dissemination of inflammatory content. The election, crucial for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has witnessed heightened communal rhetoric and accusations of religious polarization.

Prime Minister Modi’s tenure has been marked by a Hindu-first agenda, prompting concerns about the marginalization of India’s Muslim minority. In this election, the BJP has faced accusations of exploiting anti-Muslim sentiment to secure votes, further polarizing the electorate.

Despite efforts to regulate political advertising, Meta's approval of controversial ads underscores the challenges of enforcing community standards. While some adverts were rejected for hate speech violations, others targeting Muslims were approved, raising doubts about Meta’s commitment to combating hate speech and disinformation.

Critics have accused Meta of prioritizing profit over social responsibility, allowing hate speech to proliferate unchecked. The platform's failure to detect AI-manipulated content underscores the urgent need for robust content moderation measures.

In response to the report, Meta emphasized its commitment to enforcing community standards and complying with applicable laws. However, the platform’s track record in combating hate speech and disinformation remains questionable, raising concerns about its role in shaping public discourse.

The revelations come amidst growing scrutiny of Meta’s handling of political content and its impact on democratic processes worldwide. As calls for accountability mount, Meta faces mounting pressure to address systemic failures and safeguard against the spread of harmful content on its platforms.

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