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Know about Menaka Guruswamy, who wants to boycott India-Pakistan match

Menaka Guruswamy questions if a cricket match between India and Pakistan should be hosted while soldiers and police are killed in Kashmir.

By Ground report
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Know about Menaka Guruswamy, who wants to boycott India India-Pakistan match?

Menaka Guruswamy is a popular Senior Advocate at the Supreme Court of India. She has been part of numerous landmark judgements, including Section 377. However, she is being questioned on her recently written opinion piece in The Indian Express titled, “Why I will not watch India play Pakistan in the cricket World Cup”. The article questions the Indian Cricket Team, or BCCI hosting the Pakistan Cricket Team for the upcoming ODI Cricket World Cup in India, while soldiers and Police Officers are killed in Kashmir by Pakistan-backed terrorist groups.

Some people on the internet found her article not of progressive, and peaceful co-existence. Menaka has been hailed for her looking-ahead point of view. She has great accolades like law degrees from the University of Oxford, Harvard Law School and the National Law School of India University (Bangalore). 

She has been affiliated with United Nations, and other organisation for International Human Rights Law, has helped Nepal in the constitution making process. Guruswamy is a Rhodes scholar, and Gammon fellow. Supreme Court appointed her as amicus curiae in the case of 1528 alleged extra-judicial killings in Manipur.

She is a columnist at The Indian Express.

Reactions on social media 

According to one user on X (formerly Twitter), posted

“Menaka Guruswamy, daughter of Mohan Guruswamy-- strategist & advisor to BJP-- showing that queer folks can also do Pak-bashing to score points w the rabid bhakt lobby! Why should hets have all the fun!

What a queen! We stan!👑”

Another user wrote,

It's a world cup. Teams qualify. They aren't "invited". It's not a wedding.

Clearly both Menaka Guruswamy and The Indian Express are clueless of how it works.

Yet another cricket fan from Pakistan wrote

This is hugely disappointing from  @MenakaGuruswamy, someone I admire a lot. 

India doesn't invite teams to the World Cup. India is hosting it and Pakistan has qualified for it. If you don't want to play the teams that have qualified, don't host it.

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