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Covid-19: towards a record number of deaths in 2021?

A year after its appearance in China, the Covid-19 continues its macabre course in the world. In 2021, despite the launch of vaccination

By groundreportdesk
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India lost 269 doctors in second wave of Covid: IMA

DATA. Covid-19 has already killed more than 3 million people worldwide, 44% of which since January 2021. Despite vaccination, the proliferation of variants is worrying

A year after its appearance in China, the Covid-19 continues its macabre course in the world. In 2021, despite the launch of vaccination campaigns, the continue death from the virus, is even more than last year. 

Already 1,430,000 deaths have been recorded worldwide since January. In 2020, this figure was only reached at the end of November.

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Several countries have already recorded more deaths this year than in 2020. These figures can be explained in part by a later onset of the epidemic, in summer or even winter 2020 only, especially in certain countries of Eastern Europe.

Other countries, already severely affected last year, are experiencing an even more deadly year 2021, due to the appearance of variants . 

There have been nearly 220,000 deaths in Brazil since January, against 195,000 over the whole of 2020. Several South American neighbors are experiencing a similar trend.

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 Same phenomenon with the South African variant in Zambia and Zimbabwe , for example, even if the number of deaths recorded there remains quite low, compared to the population.

Some figures are reassuring: in 2021, in most Western countries, the number of deaths per month tends to drop. Consequences of restrictive measures, but also of vaccination campaigns. 

A dynamic that stalled slightly in April, where France, Italy and Germany recorded a few hundred more deaths compared to March.

In other regions, however, the number of deaths has continued to climb since the start of the year. This is the case in Eastern Europe, and even more in the regions of the world where the most violent variants have occurred.

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 However India recorded almost 50,000 deaths in April alone. Since 1 st May, the 19-Covid are already 14,000 additional deaths, three times more than in March. The Indian variant has not finished worrying.

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