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Afghanistan govt. offer Taliban to share power

Afghanistan govt. offer Taliban; Afghan government negotiators in Qatar have offered the Taliban a share of power in exchange for a ceasefire

By Ground Report
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Ground Report | New Delhi: Afghanistan govt. offer Taliban; Afghan government negotiators in Qatar have offered the Taliban a share of power in exchange for a ceasefire. The offer was made during the ongoing Trika Plus talks in Qatar, AFP quoted sources as saying.

Afghanistan govt. offer Taliban

"The government has made this offer with Qatar as a facilitator," the source said. Under the offer, the Taliban could return to power in exchange for an end to violence in the country. The Afghan government has offered the Taliban a share of power after ten provincial capitals fell to the Taliban within a week.

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The Taliban captured the key city of Ghazni, just 95 miles from the capital, Kabul. This has been confirmed by both the Taliban and a senior Afghan lawmaker, according to AFP. The city of Ghazni is the tenth provincial capital to fall to the Taliban in a week. The city is located on the highway between the main cities of Kabul and Kandahar.

After the Taliban took control of Ghazni, the main road between the Afghan capital Kabul and the main city of Kandahar has slipped out of the hands of the government.

Taliban confirmed occupation in Ghazni

On the other hand, the Taliban have also confirmed the occupation of the city. According to a statement posted on social media by a Taliban spokesman, the Taliban have taken control of Ghazni city.

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The Taliban's takeover of Ghazni will further complicate the already pressured Afghan Air Force, which is struggling to support Afghan forces on several fronts. Afghan forces face a shortage of supplies by land.

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