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Third wave likely to hit India? Covid death toll could top one million

India could hit a bleak milestone of one million deaths from the coronavirus in July as a mutant variant wreaks havoc on the country.

By groundreportdesk
New Update
Nearly 90% India has high positivity rate,  Prevalence is highest in rural areas

India could hit a bleak milestone of one million deaths from the coronavirus in July as a mutant variant wreaks havoc on the country.

The head of health warned of an inevitable third wave of Covid when hospitals were hit by surging Covid-19 infections.

IHME prediction

According to predictions from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), the worst-case scenario could bring India's death toll to one million by July.

But even according to the research center's estimates based on current conditions, India is still on track to achieve more than one million deaths from Covid-19 by August.

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IHME believes in a worst case scenario, as of July 1 the number of deaths from Covid will be 1,021,200, while the 'current projection' of 961,692 deaths has been recorded.

However, as of August 1, these figures increased to 1,121,974 and 1,018,878, respectively.

Second wave of Covid

India is suffering from the second worst wave of Covid in the world and although it shows no signs of slowing down, there are fears a third wave will hit.

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The country's top medical adviser has warned people to prepare for a devastating event, with a crisis already inundating hospitals and crematoriums - where bodies were burned en masse.

New variant of covid virus

India has said that the new variant of the corona virus found in the month of March may be the major reason behind the second wave of horrific corona in the country.

Double mutants or B.1.617 variants have been found in samples from many states where corona cases are increasing rapidly.

This was said by an official of the National Center for Disease Control. However, he says that so far the growing case and the correlation of new mutants has not been 'fully established'.

412,000 new cases reported

On Wednesday, 412,000 new cases have been reported in India and 3,980 people have died in 24 hours.

Senior Scientific Advisor to the government has also warned that a third wave is set to come in the country.

In the press conference of the Health Ministry, K. Vijayaraghavan admitted that experts could not predict that the second wave would be so 'effective' and would infect so many people.

During this time he said that "From the kind of infection that has spread, it is clear that no one can stop the third wave coming in the country." Although there is no idea when it will come, but we have to be ready for it."

Health system collapsed

In the present time, Corona has created terrible conditions in India. The health system has completely collapsed, hospitals do not have beds, those who have got beds are struggling with lack of oxygen.

Almost every day, some hospitals in the capital issue SOS calls for oxygen.

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Virologists, including the opposition, are advising to put a lockdown in the country.

Where did the double mutant variants be found?

After sequencing approximately 13,000 samples taken from eight states, more than 3,500 sample-causing mutant viruses have been found, including B.1.617.

B.1.617 variants have been found in a sample of states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh. Infections are increasing in all these states.

For the past one month, India has been refusing to accept any connection between this new variant and the growing case.

Although now the central government is believing that there are possible reasons behind the growing case of Indian variants, but still it is being talked about not being 'fully established'.

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