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Saudi Arabia denied the arrival of Israeli PM

Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister ldismissed that said Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

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Saudi Arabia denied the arrival of Israeli PM

Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister on Monday dismissed media reports that said Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Saudi Arabia.

On Monday, there were media reports to talk about normalizing relations with Israel.

It was also said that along with Netanyahu, he was also the head of the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad. Despite Saudi Arabia's denial, there has been no rebuttal on this from Israel.

The Israeli media still maintains that Netanyahu secretly went to Saudi Arabia on Sunday and met Crown Prince Mohammed bin-Salman there.

An advisor to the Saudi Arabian government from the Wall Street Journal confirmed that Netanyahu arrived in Saudi Arabia on Sunday night and had a meeting with the Crown Prince there.

The Wall Street Journal report also said that there was talk between Crown Prince Mohammed bin-Salman, Israeli PM Netanyahu and US Secretary of State Pompeo on normalizing Iran and Saudi-Israel relations, but no concrete progress was made.

According to the Times of Israel , Israel's Education Minister Yoav Gallant has also confirmed Netanyahu's visit to Saudi. He has given a great achievement.

An Israeli official from the Hebrew-language news website Ynet said, "The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia had not objected to the meeting being made public. Mossad's chief Yossi Cohen was also present at the meeting."

However, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Fassel bin-Farhan from Al-Arabiya has said that there was no Israeli in the meeting of Crown Prince Mohammed bin-Salman and Pompeio.

Prince Faisal bin-Farhan also said this by tweeting himself.

He wrote on Twitter, "I have seen the press report of the meeting between Crown Prince Mohammed bin-Salman and Israeli officials during the visit of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Saudi Arabia. The truth is that no such meeting has taken place. This meeting only Has happened between America and Saudi Arabia. "