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Rise in temperature is responsible for 37 percent of deaths due to heat

Global warming was responsible for 37 percent of global warming deaths between 1991 and 2018. The latest study conducted by

By Wahid Bhat
New Update

Scientists predict that due to the increase in global temperature, this figure will increase over time due to extreme heat.

Ground Report | New Delhi: Global warming was responsible for 37 percent of global warming deaths between 1991 and 2018. The latest study conducted by researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the University of Bern revealed.

The research, published in the international journal Nature Climate Change, studied data from 732 locations in 43 countries around the world, drawn from major projects in the field of pandemic and climate modelling. This is the first research that elucidates the role of climate change in increased mortality due to heat. In this research, deaths due to heat have been studied between 1991 and 2018.

The study revealed that the number of deaths due to heat at the global level was much more or less depending on the location, which was found to be 20 to 76 percent. According to the research, the highest number of deaths were recorded in Ecuador and Colombia in South America, where up to 76 percent of deaths were due to heat due to climate change, while in Southeast Asia it was between 48 and 61 percent.

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Global warming, due to human activities

Global warming, due to human activities, significantly affects the planet and, consequently, human health. Heat waves affect vulnerable people, the elderly, but also young people , because high temperatures increase, among other things, the concentration of ozone , which can damage lung tissue; they also lead to agricultural productivity losses due to droughts, weakening food security  ; the heat excessive increase the spread of infectious diseases, also called zoonoses ; they destabilize the whole world. Thus, according to the World Health Organization ( WHO), this climate change is responsible for at least 150,000 deaths per year, a figure which is expected to double by 2030. 

The havoc of heat will increase as the temperature rises

According to the researchers, it is not that the result of this increase in temperature is coming out only in the form of death. The effect of rising heat is also affecting health, due to which the risk of heart and respiratory diseases increases further, due to which hospitalization has to be done. These problems are more common in general, which has an impact on health related expenses.

The whole world is not covered in this analysis. For example, it excludes large parts of Africa and South Asia due to paucity of data. However, its threat in Africa and South Asia cannot be denied. About a quarter of the world's population lives in South Asia. For which rising temperature is a big threat. The region already experiences very hot summers and the weather remains humid. People are poor, because of this air condition is out of their reach.

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Global warming : "37% of heat-related deaths" 

"Each continent is already suffering the disastrous consequences of human activities on our planet",  explains Professor Antonio Gasparrini (LSHTM), lead author of the study. Using data from 732 sites in 43 countries around the world, he and his team estimate that, overall, 37% of heat- related deaths in recent summer periods were attributable to global warming. 

This percentage was highest in Central and South America (up to 76% in Ecuador or Colombia, for example) and Southeast Asia (between 48 and 61%). It should be noted that the inhabitants of low-income or middle-income countries are the most affected, while these states are only responsible for a small part of the emissions. anthropogenic in the past. 

The estimates also show the number of annual deaths due to man-made climate change that occurred specifically in certain cities: 136 additional deaths per year in Santiago, Chile (44.3% of total heat-related deaths in the city), 189 in Athens (26.1%), 172 in Rome (32%), 156 in Tokyo (35.6%), 177 in Madrid (31.9%), 146 in Bangkok (53.4%), 82 in London (33.6%), 141 in New York (44.2%) and 137 in Ho Chi Minh City (48.5%). Dr Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera, University of Bern, said:  “We expect the proportion of heat-related deaths to continue to rise if we do nothing to address climate change or if we don't adapt. "

In 2015, 3,500 people died due to heat wave in India and Pakistan

People live in densely populated areas and about 60 per cent of the people are engaged in agricultural activities. In such a situation, he must have lived at home or else he will have to work in the open to feed his family, which further increases the risk of heat stroke on him. Significantly, in 2015, about 3,500 people died due to heat wave in India and Pakistan .

Another recent research on the relationship between heatwave and climate change showed that with a 2 degree Celsius increase in temperature in the future, people's risk of getting it will also increase by 2.7 times. In such a situation, the coming of heat will become common in countries like India, which are already facing the havoc of rising temperatures.

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