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Retinoid - A Woman's Best Friend

Retinoid For Oily Skin: At any age, having beautiful, healthy skin allows you to look and feel your best. But, with so many products

By Pallav Jain
New Update
Retinoid - A Woman's Best Friend

Retinoid For Oily Skin: At any age, having beautiful, healthy skin allows you to look and feel your best. But, with so many products fighting for your attention, how can you know which ones will genuinely offer the results you desire? That's where retinoids come in as a game changer. Retinoids are a type of skin care medication that comes in both prescription and over-the-counter versions. This topical version of Vitamin A is one of the most widely used and researched anti-aging substances ever developed. Retinoids have been shown to be beneficial in healing fine lines and wrinkles, acne, stimulate collagen growth, speed epidermal turnover, and decrease inflammation. Some people use the terms "retinol" and "retinoids" similarly, however they are not identical. Consider retinols and retinoids as relatives rather than identical; they're related but not identical.

To discover more about retinoid, we break down the ingredients, definition of retinoid, how and when to use them, the benefits of retinoids, and how to use them to achieve maximum efficiency.

Definition of Retinoid

A category of chemical ingredient produced from Vitamin A is referred to as retinoid. As a result, retinoids have structural and functional features that are comparable to vitamin A. Because of their beneficial effects on the skin and appearance, retinoids are a frequent active ingredient in many dermatological drugs and cosmeceutical formulations. Retinoids in low concentrations can be used to treat minor acne and age-related symptoms. Although a doctor's prescription is required to obtain a much stronger formulation, this will assist you in treating serious skin problems.

Uses of retinoids

Retinoids are widely used in dermatology and cosmetics. The most prevalent application is for the treatment of mild to moderate acne. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the hair follicles become blocked with dead skin cells and sebum. Bacteria that thrive in the area can trigger inflammation and infection that results in more severe acne. Retinoid for oily skin works like magic, if you suffer from mild to moderate acne retinoid might help. Retinoid for oily skin can unclog the pores, allowing other skincare products to work better. They also help to prevent acne breakouts in the future by keeping dead cells from blocking pores.

Skin damaging UV from sunlight is a major cause of skin aging. When you’re aging, the rate of epithelium regeneration slows down. Instead of common skin issues like fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and rough skin, the effect of sunlight exposure can be observed in an outer layer of the skin. Retinoids slow down the aging process by thickening the reticular dermis layer, which shows the dense collagen bundles and forms the bulk of the dermal layer. Topical retinoids help in reducing the degradation of collagen by inhibiting the rate-limiting enzyme collagenase which breaks the peptide bonds in collagen.

Topical retinoids are a very important choice for pigmented skin, such as melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, small spots, and discoloration. Retinoids act on melanin cells, this helps relieve these skin conditions. However, because high retinoid concentrations can cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, if you have this condition, you should try to decrease its incidence by changing your treatment plans and concentrations.

Psoriasis is an inflammatory autoimmune disease briefly characterized by the hyper-production of skin cells. It can cause red, frequent itchy skin patches which are commonly on the knees, elbows, and scalp. A topical retinoid can be a very effective treatment plan for psoriasis. Retinoids work by regulating the dead skin shedding process, unlike prescription drugs, Retinoids penetrate skin cells and bind to the DNA receptors which regulate the cell division process. Due to this mechanism retinoids can slow down the hyperproduction, reduce the size and thickness of skin patches, promote the cell turnover process, reduce skin dryness, and improve the overall appearance of the skin.  

Family history, light skin, being older, ultraviolet exposure is some of the major causes of skin cancer. Epidemiological studies indicate that retinoids can reduce the risk of cancer, because of their ability to induce cell differentiation and arrest cell proliferation.

How to properly use retinoids?

When using an over-the-counter retinoid, it's best to follow the directions on the package, and when using a prescription retinoid, see your dermatologist. It may be better to do this in the evening to avoid excessive sun exposure. Take a look at your current skincare routine before adding a retinoid; some elements can make retinoids less efficient and considerably more irritating. Avoid products that contain ethyl alcohol or witch hazel, as they induce redness and irritation, which will amplify the retinoid effects.


Vitamin A is the source of retinoids, a class of chemicals. They're used in cosmetics to assist with wrinkles, mild to severe acne, moisturizing your skin, reducing indications of aging on the face, and increasing skin turnover, among other things. Retinoids are also used to treat psoriasis and hyperpigmentation, among other skin problems.

Retinoids provide various advantages, but they also have certain drawbacks, such as skin irritation and inflammation. However, frequent use of high doses is more likely to cause these symptoms. It's best to follow the advice on the packaging while using an over-the-counter retinoid. Retinoids should not be used more frequently (no more than once per day) or in higher concentrations than the manufacturer recommends. If you experience any side effects, you should contact a dermatologist right once.

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