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Afghanistan: Taliban occupy more districts

Taliban militants continue to gain control of more areas in the troubled country of Afghanistan. The administrative governor of one district

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A loud blast has been heard in the Afghan capital, Kabul. On the other hand, Taliban militants have claimed control of two more districts.

Ground Report | New Delhi: Taliban militants continue to gain control of more areas in the troubled country of Afghanistan. The administrative governor of one district surrendered to the Taliban when the occupation was completed. The seizures have also been confirmed by provincial parliamentarians.

A district in Ghor province in Taliban hands

The Taliban's takeover of Tulak, a district in the western Afghan province of Ghor, was confirmed by local elders and citizens Saturday (June 12th). They include three local members of the Ghor Assembly. Clashes between government security forces and militants continued on Friday and Saturday night.


The clashes also killed more than a dozen members of pro-government forces. Ghor Assembly-member Karamuddin Razazada confirmed the deaths and injuries while talking to the DPA news agency over the telephone. It was Razazada who reported on Saturday, June 12, that the district governor of Tulak and all his staff had surrendered to the Taliban.

The fall of Zara District in the northern province of Balkh

Zara, a district in the northern Afghan province of Balkh, has also been reported to have been taken over by Taliban militants. Employees were forcibly evicted from government offices in the central part of the district. Afzal Hadid, a city councilor, also said the Taliban had cut off water supplies to government security forces.

According to Afzal Hadid, pro-government troops have evacuated the city center of Zara without a fight. Afghan Air Force fighter jets also helped evacuate the troops. On the other hand, the 209th Corps of the Afghan Army said that the troops have been evacuated from the city and deployed to another important place. This appointment has been made in the direction of the District Council.

Accelerate Taliban takeover

In recent weeks, many areas of Afghanistan have fallen under the control of Taliban militants. Occupancy of the territories has intensified since the announcement of the withdrawal of US and Western defense forces. The Taliban have seized 17 districts since May 1 this year. The withdrawal of foreign troops will be completed this year. There are about 400 districts in Afghanistan's 34 provinces. According to UN figures, four of the five districts captured by the Taliban last year were liberated by the national army.


Continuation of violence

Afghanistan is facing severe instability these days and the overall security situation is getting weaker and weaker. More than 13 people have been reported killed since Friday, June 11, including seven civilians.

The Afghan Interior Ministry has confirmed that two minivans were targeted in Hazara-populated areas, injuring half a dozen people. A powerful blast was also reported in Kabul, but no details were released.

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