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PM Modi's speech: 10 important points you should know

PM Modi's speech: PM Narendra Modi addressed the nation on Tuesday evening. Around one 6 'clock in the afternoon.

By Ground Report
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PM Narendra Modi addressed the nation on Tuesday evening. Around one 6 'clock in the afternoon. Before the Corona epidemic started, PM Narendra Modi announced the Janata curfew, after which the lockdown was announced. Then he also announced Unlock. Now things are slowly returning to normal. PM Modi first addressed the country on 19 March.

He announced the Janata curfew on the same day. This was followed by a national address on 24 March. On March 24, PM Modi announced a 21-day lockdown. Then on April 3, he addressed the nation and appealed for the Corona Warriors to burn the 9-minute lamp at 9 pm.

After this, on April 14, PM Modi announced the 19-day Lockdown 2.0. Modi also appeared before the country on May 12 and announced an economic package of Rs 20 lakh crore.

After this, on 30 June, PM Modi while addressing the country announced to increase the scheme of free food grains to 80 crore people.

Here are 10 important points from PM Modi speech

1- Economic activities are also increasing rapidly with time. Most of us are stepping out of our homes every day to fulfill our responsibilities, to speed up life again. This season of festivals is also slowly returning to the markets.

2- But let us not forget that even though the lockdown is gone, the virus is not gone. In the last 7-8 months, with the efforts of every Indian, we are not going to let the deteriorating situation that India is in today

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3- Today the recovery rate in the country is good, Fatality rate is low. India is succeeding in saving the lives of more and more of its citizens than the resource-rich countries of the world. The increasing number of tests has been a major strength in the fight against the covid epidemic.

4- Seva Parmo Dharma: Following the mantra of our doctors, nurses, health workers are selflessly serving such a large population. Amidst all these efforts, this is not the time to be careless. This is not the time to assume that the corona is gone, or that there is no danger from the corona now. In recent times, we have all seen many pictures, videos in which it is clear that many people have stopped taking precautions now. This is not right.

5- If you are careless, walking out without a mask, then you are putting yourself, your family, your family's children, the elderly in as much trouble. Keep in mind, whether it is America today, or other countries in Europe, the cases of corona were decreasing in these countries, but suddenly started increasing again.

6- Until success is achieved, do not be negligent. Until the vaccine of this epidemic comes, we must not let our fight with Corona weaken.

7- After years, we are seeing that work is being done on a war footing to save humanity. Many countries are working for this. Scientists of our country are also working hard for vaccine. Several corona vaccines are currently in operation in India. Some of these are on advanced stage. 

8- Whenever the vaccine of Corona arrives, the government is also preparing for how to reach every Indian as soon as possible. Vaccine reached every citizen, work is being done fast for this.

9- We are moving ahead of a difficult time, a little carelessness can stop our movement, tarnish our happiness. Carrying the responsibilities of life and vigilance will go hand in hand, only then will there be happiness in life.

10- Two yards, wash hands with soap periodically and take care of the mask. Remember, there is no laxity unless there is medicine.

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