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SSGEOS predicts strong earthquake aftershock in Turkey

Turkey earthquake aftershock; The death toll from earthquakes in Turkey and Syria has surpassed 50,000 people, and Solar System Geometry

By Ground Report
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SSGEOS predicts strong earthquake aftershock in Turkey

The death toll from earthquakes in Turkey and Syria has surpassed 50,000 people, and Solar System Geometry Survey predicts a strong earthquake aftershock in Turkey.

Hoogerbeets retweeted a post by his research agency SSGEOS predicting the possibility of a fresh big earthquake. SSGEOS tweeted, A stronger (after)shock is possible in or around Central Turkiye in the next few days.

What is an aftershock?

An aftershock is a small earthquake that occurs after a larger earthquake and is generally strongest in the month at any time. The magnitude of aftershocks usually starts around one degree less than the initial event.

However, sometimes, aftershocks can be larger than the main shock. Aftershocks happen when tectonic plates try to shift back into place along a fault line. More than 100 aftershocks have occurred since the initial earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

Aftershocks are more likely to occur following larger earthquakes.

When do aftershocks occur and for how long?

The timing and duration of aftershocks depend on the size of the initial earthquake. Strong aftershocks typically occur in the first 48 hours after the main quake, but aftershocks can last for weeks or even years.

The more intense aftershocks will likely stop within two days, but it is possible for them to gradually decay and continue for up to a year after the main quake.

How high will the risk of more big aftershocks be?

The risk of more big aftershocks is uncertain at this time. The activation of the fault where the 7.5 aftershock occurred could produce additional aftershocks. Even smaller aftershocks can cause major destruction if buildings are already weakened.


Twitter users have pointed out that earthquake predictions do not have a scientific basis. While earthquakes are always a possibility in areas with active faults, there is no evidence to support specific earthquake forecasts.

Claims that planetary alignment can predict earthquakes have been discredited, and when tested, earthquake forecasts perform no better than random chance. It is important to rely on reputable sources of information and scientific research when considering earthquake risks and preparedness.

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